
Sunday, June 29, 2014


In a heavy rain, this is how much of the front porch gets wet.  Not too bad, we can actually sit on the porch in the rain and be dry (mostly).  

Farmhouse porch in the rain
For those new to the blog, our porch is deep and long.  It's 10 feet deep, and 36 feet wide, along the front of the house.  That means we actually have 360 square feet of outdoor living space!  Or as I like to think, another 360 square feet of decorating space!  We haven't done much on the porch yet, it's something that we won't do until the house is painted and finished outside.  Then, we'll be able to start 'furnishing' the porch.

Until then we have the rockers that "Ma" left behind and really, isn't that all you need on a porch, a rocking chair (or two)?


  1. I've always been partial to the porch swing. They always seem so romantic to me.

  2. omg...the things you can do with that porch! and in your weather, it is an outside room! i feel like i am living in a sponge. it is so wet, hot and humid here.

  3. Just the perfect amount of rain on your porch, get those toosies wet!

  4. Y’all’s big porch is just perfect for the country!! How lovely it must be to sit there in Ma’s rockers and listen to and smell the rain - and not get wet!
    I agree with Daphne - a porch swing would be heavenly!

  5. Oh how i love a porch in the rain. Your porch is big. It should offer all sorts of potential later on.

  6. Wow that must be so relaxing. Enjoy it!

  7. A wonderful porch to be sure.

    If you "decorate" it, won't it be stolen when you're not there?

  8. I love a porch and rockers. That is just about the amount of rain I used to get on my porch that is no longer usable.


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