
Thursday, June 5, 2014


Raised beds, image courtesy of
We love the flowers and the use of clay pots in the center of these beds.  We were thinking that maybe flowers in some of the currently 'unused' beds would be a good cover crop until the Fall or whenever we expand the garden into the other beds.  It would be nice just to have some flowers growing in there instead of just empty beds filled with soil.  Might as well use it for something pretty!

Hope you are having a good week.  Might have a quick extra post later tonight, so check back if you are so inclined.  And scroll down for the winner of the seeds of the month contest.

Be inspired!


  1. i like the use of the pots, too. i love flowers. they give an instant little boost of pleasure even on 'blue' days.

    1. they do have a way of doing that don't they?

  2. i love the way they used the pots in the raised beds. it makes them look so less one dimensional.

    1. Great description, much less one dimensional. that might be why I was drawn to them, ha. Heck, you could even plant more produce in them if you were so inclined. But I'm partial to the flowers.

  3. What a very clever idea....everyone pots up flowers and never then know where to put them.

    1. Good point, we all want flowers and put them in pots but then where....great solution and some instant color in the garden.

  4. Love the photo. You could plant nasturtiums which look really pretty but have the added advantage of having edible leaves and flowers. The flowers have a peppery flavour and really brighten up a salad. I add them to my children's school lunch boxes. They like eating them but I think they get the most value out of freaking out their friends.

    1. Do you know, I've never eaten nasturtiums but I'd love to try. I might have to find some at the store and see how we like them. what a good idea, that way everything in the garden is edible!

  5. 1st Man,

    I love mixing flowers and vegetables in garden beds. This is a gorgeous picture.
    Stay inspired!!! Enjoy your upcoming weekend, were expecting rain, YAY!!!!

    1. Thank you, after our week of rain we've had a week of over 90 and no rain. Hoping for some Monday/Tuesday.

  6. There are crops of flowering plants that enrich the soil. Maybe that would be an idea for you. I think clover is one of those crops. Beds of clover would be lovely. And, bees could enjoy them. Being poison-free flowers would be good for people eating the honey.

    1. A bed of clover would be lovely wouldn't it? That's a great way to protect the soil in the unused beds but have something to enjoy. Thank you! (and anything for bees is a good thing)

  7. Why can't my veg beds look like that? I just love the idea of the big pots in the middle, I might steal that idea.

    1. LOL, I know the feeling!!! I think the pots in the middle is what i liked most (though the beds ARE nicely done as well, ha).


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