
Saturday, June 14, 2014


It was a beautiful day Saturday at the farm.  The little Fiat was loaded up with some plants and I got there early.

And guess what?

The Vitex/Texas Lilac/Chaste trees planted a couple of weeks ago are all blooming!  We finally have some color at the farm, LOL.

I was there for about 7 hours, digging holes, used the weedeater, mowing on the Zen Machine, planting in said holes, working in the garden, etc etc.  More on all that in later posts.

Best part of all, when I got home, 2nd Man had this cooking on the stove:

Grilled Italian sausages with onions and peppers...

...and One Pan Pasta (recipe previously blogged about HERE).
One pan pasta and grilled sausage
It was yummy and filling and accompanied by a glass of Chianti.
Perfect end to a productive day!


  1. Oh my, that sure does look good. Sounds like you earned a good meal.

  2. Sounds like a great day! Same here. canned dill pickles and vidalia onion relish, then worked over 4 hours in the garden this evening. Had some yummy garden veggies for dinner! You have to ask yourself, does it get any better? :O)

  3. That meal looks delicious. I love your color added to your place. While I love color, somehow the expanses of green are a joy.

  4. A very productive day out in nature and then sharing a beautiful meal in the evening - what a great day! That supper looks so colorful and delicious - my mouth is watering!

    Texas Rose


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