
Friday, July 25, 2014


We were roaming around at the farm recently and noticed this line in the grass.  I thought it was odd as I hadn't really noticed it before.  So we followed it...

 meandered around a tree and along the driveway.  So we followed it some more...

...then it veered off into the grass for a few feet until it ended at...

This large, red ant hill!

Now these aren't fire ants, though they do bite, but they are large and fascinating to observe.  I find it amazing that they have followed along the same route so frequently that it's created a visible path.  Or do they 'clear' it, much as we might clear a path through a bunch of trees to create a road or highway?

Red Ants
We left them alone, they've worked too hard, LOL!  Speaking of working hard, it's off to the farm for me, 2nd Man has to do some stuff in town and since I haven't mowed the grass in two weeks, we'll have to see how much it's grown.  Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. One of my favorite treats is ant watching. They are amazing little creatures.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Saturday I actually sat down and watched them them come and go. It really is fascinating.

  2. We had ants like that in AZ. When I was in high school I was babysitting my little brother who was about 2 yrs old and took him out with me to feed and water the horses. He was being really quiet and I turned around to see what he was up too. He was standing in the middle of a black ant hill (same as the big red ones but black) with a stick in his hand playing with the ants. The ants completely covered his legs and were all the way up to his waist.(His skin wasn't visible from the waist down) I freaked out, ran over and grabbed him off the hill, and washed him off with the hose. Amazingly he didn't have one ant bite. As a little kid all the animals loved him, I guess even the ants.

    1. Hmm, haven't seen the black ones. Thank goodness he didn't get bit. He's the ant whisperer, ha.

  3. Those ants will bite. I have never seen an ant path. Interesting.

    1. Isn't it wild? I noticed this weekend it was even more pronounced. Kind of neat in a way.

  4. You are right! Ants are very fascinating! I love to watch them ........5 or 6 in a group....carrying a large seed or piece of food together! It is amazing how all of those tiny feet wore a path in your grounds! Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, lots of little feet. Never thought about that, must be hundreds of them going back and forth day in and day out. How many miles total do you suppose they walk all added together? Ha. !

  5. Those are Harvester Ants, they collect seeds and bits of plants for food. They did clear that highway, and they will bite if you mess with them. We let them be, except to watch, I sure wish we had more of them and less fire ants!

    1. WOW, thanks for that. I grew up just calling them "red ants". I just googled it and yep that's what they are, thank you. I bet they would bite, I've seen their little pincers, yikes. But really, I'm with you, I just mow around them, don't have the heart to extinguish them. Now fire ants on the other hand...they can all die as far as I'm concerned, ha.

  6. I used to see these red ant trails when I was a kid and spent kid-time watching the Texas Horned lizards gobble them up. Then the horrible fire ants invaded and competed with the red ants. The Texas Horned lizards have now disappeared in my area because the red ants, a main food source for them, disappeared. So it's great that you still have the red ants around your farm.

    1. I had no idea. I love learning something new like that. Oh I remember the horned lizards (though I think the non PC name growing up was 'horny toad'. I thought they looked like little dinosaurs, they were the coolest things. Sadly haven't seen one of those in decades. I'm leaving the red ants alone, there are actually two nests and I just mow around them. I don't really want to mess with them, they seem like they've worked too hard, ha.


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