
Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Quilted stuffed animals
These are a couple of stuffed bears that my Mom found once upon a time.  They aren't family heirlooms or anything like that, I think she found one at a tag sale and another at a thrift store, but we like them.  They are on the guest room bed at the farm, which contains a lot of my Mom's favorite pieces of furniture and her favorite colors, pink and yellow.  We were going to get a few pillows but...

Farmhouse guest room bed
...every time we look at them on the bed, it makes us think that they seem kind of lonely.  So, we'd like to add a few more.  I'm sure I could find some on eBay or Etsy but I'm not sure what they call these?  They are handmade of course and made using scraps of fabric just like you would find on a quilt.  Does anyone know what they are called, in general, so that I could find more online?


  1. The one on the right, at least is made from a quilt. Maybe it is just a quilt top. Maybe the one on the left is from quilt also. It is pieced, at least. Try "quilt bears" and maybe "old quilts." "quilt animals"

    Isn't "quilt" a strange word. Say it several times.

    1. Quilt IS a strange word. Funny you said that, when I typed it a few times I thought the same thing! Some words are just odd. Thanks!!

  2. What beautiful works of art those teddy bears are! And what beautiful reminders of your mom!
    I have an angel made this same way. I got it at one of the Country Peddler craft shows that are held several times a year in Rosenberg, Texas.

    For on-line, I googled “teddy bear made from old quilt” and clicked on images tab. A whole page of vintage/antique quilted teddy bears came up. Clicked on some of the images and then clicked on ‘visit page’.

    I have also seen these in antique stores either made by local people or found by the store.

    Hope your bears have some unique companions soon!

    1. Thanks, I will check that out. I don't know why I didn't think of google image search for this. I would like to find some that are handmade (like these) and a craft show is probably a great idea too! Thanks!!

  3. they are so cute and are perfect on that bed. i love that clock!

    1. Thanks! Nice notice on the clock. Another one of my Mom's finds somewhere. It was beside her bed so I felt it needed to be beside the guest bed at the farm too. :-)

  4. Just for your information--the bear on the right is made from hand-pieced hexagons. The technique is called English paper piecing. You can Google the term for more info. They are charming!


    1. Wow, thanks for that info. Love it!! I will be checking that out. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Made one years ago. I would call it a "Quilted Bear"

    1. Thanks, I'll check that out. Maybe when I googled the last time I didn't look hard enough, ha. t think that's neat that you made one.

  6. I used to do craft show and they sold them there. We called the Quilted Teddy Bears. I think I have some patterns, but I have made some, but not out of the quilts just fabric ones. You can find them at craft show, Country Peddler show (which I think they have in Houston) Canton First Monday and Antique stores to name a few if they are still around.

    1. Canton is definitely still around. I will look for the country peddler show as well. Thanks!!

  7. If you look on ebay and put "quilted stuffed animals handmade" under "all categories" there are a number of animals made from the good parts of distressed quilts. There are a couple of good looking bunnies for less than $10 listed. Your animals are made from "hexie" quilt blocks and are very unique looking. I used to have a friend who made smaller stuffed animals from the good areas of very worn quilts. I used to see these quilted stuffed animals a lot at craft fairs back in the late 80s -early 90s. They were a way for crafters to put the last few patches of a well worn quilts to good use. You may also want to look them up under patchwork stuffed animals. They look so whimsical & endearing sitting on the bed.

    1. You know it's true, they do make us smile when we glance into the room. I would guess these might be from the same time frame. I know the big one my Mom got in the early 90's. I will check out eBay for those bunnies, thanks!!!

  8. They are so cute & given me some inspiration! I have been doing some hexagon quilting & now you have given me more ideas. Thank you.
    I would just google quilted soft toys.
    Good luck!

    1. Well I always like to give some inspiration! If you make something fun, send me a picture sometime and I'll post it for all to see! :-)

    2. I should try & make a chicken for John Gray!!!

  9. Everybody needs a teddy bear!'
    Jane x

    1. More teddy bears would make the world a happier place huh? LOL!

  10. 1st Man,

    Your Mom has great taste in teddy bears and furniture :-)
    I have to agree with several of the comments above these are quilted bears.

    1. Aww, you are very sweet, thanks! Yep, been doing some googling, hoping to add some more. ;-)

  11. Found a couple goodies under "Quilted Stuffed Animals" on ebay. Here are the links:

    Have fun finding new companions for your brood. M

    Let us know with a post what you decided upon.

    1. Ahh a woman who knows me well! Already been checking some of those out on eBay (though thanks for the links, I missed one of those somehow)! And yes, absolutely will update everyone on the growing family, ha.


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