
Wednesday, July 2, 2014


...SOAP that is!

I love the smell of Lava Soap.  Not only does it work really, really well in getting all the dirt off my hands after I've been outside doing stuff, but I just love the smell that it leaves behind.

Lava liquid soap, image courtesy of
It doesn't matter if it's the liquid (which is what I use most often)...
Lava bar soap, image courtesy of
...or the original bar type, they both work well and more importantly, both leave my hands smelling fresh and clean.  A few hours later, I'll find myself, much to the chagrin of 2nd Man of course, smelling my hands.  "What ARE you doing?" he asks.  I can't help it, just love the smell.  By the way this is my own personal endorsement, I just like it and wanted to share, ha.

I remember my Mom used to say that when she was growing up, her favorite smell was the smell of gasoline (!).  I'm thinking with all the additives in it today, being unleaded, etc, it probably doesn't have the same smell as it did when she was younger. 

So that makes me curious, what about you, is there any odd smell that you have always loved?


  1. my most favorite smell is a wood burning fire!

  2. Since you asked for odd smell, I'd have to go with Lifebuoy Soap. Maybe your story about Lava made me remember that, but other than Lifebuoy and a 'new car' smell I can't think of anything besides the more common smells. My grandparents lived on a little farm in the Ozarks without running water or electricity. Every summer we spent 2 weeks with them. I remember very well holding my hands above an enamel basin while my mom poured water on them with a dipper from the bucket of water. The only soap they ever had was Lifebuoy. I always have memories of those summers in the country when I think of it. I don't use it and don't know of anyone else who uses it now, but those memories are strong. I loved helping Grandpa get water from the well.

  3. Prell shampoo! From waaay back in the day. Last time I smelled it, they had changed it and it just wasn't the same. In the sixties there was a shampoo called Flex, I loved that also. Then they changed it :(

  4. Coppertone tanning lotion. Every time I get a whiff, I tell my husband "Daytona Beach". Also .... & this one is really weird. Cotton defoliation chemical. Right after we were first married, driving along a Georgia interstate I look at my husband & said "I smell cotton", he said impossible. About 2 miles up the road we passed a field of freshly sprayed cotton. Always takes me back to my childhood.

  5. Nothing out of the ordinary for me but the one smell I wish I could smell all day long is sandalwood.

  6. Gasoline? Coincidentally, one of my lunch buddies today mentioned how much she loved the smell of gasoline when she was a child. Must have been an entirely different product 60 years ago.

  7. Hmmmm - when I was little I got my mouth washed out with Lava soap every other day it seemed. I can barely stand the thought of the smell, much less the real thing!! Mom was sure it would cure me of my smart mouth (it didn't).

  8. The smell of Lava Soap reminds me of my grandfather's milk house. There was a sink in there and a scratchy bar of Lava and I could barely reach to scrub,,,then dry your hands with brown paper towels which refused to absorb anything. The milk house also smelled of Lye (for washing down the "bulk tank") and warm milk.

  9. Shoe polish! Best smell ever. When I was little I would just open a can of shoe polish sit on the couch and just keep on smelling. I don't do that now but ocasionally when my husbend is polishing his shoes the temptation is very strong ;)

  10. Smelling Lava soap always reminds me of my grandpas and my dad - they were farmers and washed their hands with it when they came home. The smell of diesel exhaust evokes memories of their harvest time with combines and tractors.

  11. Fresh mowed grass-the smell & the sound of the mower-just makes my heart smile

  12. Oh the smell of a new box of crayons., smell of dirt when a light rain falls, Lava soap reminds me of dad, and the smell of ,y favorite strawberry stand at this time of season- the smell of sweet, sweet strawberries just picked!


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