
Sunday, August 3, 2014


Recently I mentioned some hateful comments someone tried to leave on the blog.  My answer to them would have been, just is good.

Life is Good sign
So look what I stumbled across at lunch the other day?  I about fell over when I saw it.  I knew it had to go up at the farm.  So, that's where we put it this weekend, just above the bedroom door, to be reminded when we wake up and head out into our 'farm world', that yes indeed, life is good.  We must enjoy every moment of it and always try to fill it with as much happiness and enjoyment as we can!

We'll take this as a sign...both literally and figuratively!

Weekend was good, even after yesterday's moodiness, LOL.  A few projects done and an unexpected moment as well.  More on all that in the coming days.

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. A lovely little sign, a great reminder !

  2. That sign did not cross your path just by coincidence - your sign is definitely a sign. A wonderful reminder! As Jack said in 'Titanic,' "Make it count!" And you guys do!

    1. No such thing as coincidence is there?

      I LOVE that you quoted Jack...Titanic is one of my guilty pleasures...I've probably seen that movie a hundred times. Just watched it (on and off) this weekend. Here's to making it count!

  3. 1st Man,

    Love this sign, I think it's a message from the man upstairs he is watching over you :-)


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