
Friday, August 29, 2014


This is the farm earlier today, looks like we may have had some rain, hopefully.  Haven't heard back from 2nd Family yet to get a total.

This was the sky, so it definitely looked ominous enough.  We need the rain, things green up quickly at the farm with an inch or two.

THIS however, is what's meandering around in the Gulf of Mexico.  That red pin there is the house in town and the farm is off to the West.  All of this is moving onshore and swirling through South Texas, all night tonight and throughout the day Saturday.  It's not a tropical storm, but they are calling it a "disturbance" or "area of disturbed weather".  Ya think?  Weather forecasters...masters of understatement, ha.  We're guessing there will be no farm stay this weekend as it will be just too wet and nasty to drive out there.  But it's a three day weekend and as long as it doesn't rain ALL weekend  you never know.  

More updates as anything interesting happens.

Hope YOU have a great weekend doing what makes you happy!


  1. hope you get the rain you need. we need rain too. we are hot, humid and dry here!

    1. Ugh, we haven't had much rain at all. Maybe a quarter of an inch so far. Hot, humid and dry is unusual for you isn't it?

  2. I think most homesteaders, like most pilots, can tell more about the weather by looking at the sky than any amount of information from "Accu-Hunch Weather" on TV.

    1. "Accu-Hunch Weather", I just about fell off the couch laughing. SO true. I've always said it's the only job you could have and be wrong all the time and not get fired, ha.

  3. Well you needed rain. Too bad it came on the long weekend though.

    1. Well, so far, not much rain at all and almost none at the farm. Sigh.

  4. I wish I could send you some rain, we are in a flood watch, isn't that the way,, we get too much rain and you need it!

    1. The weather is indeed fickle. Seems just like you said, places that need it don't get any and places that have enough just keep getting more. Stay safe and dry!!!

  5. i hope you get some much-needed rain! we got 1/2 inch yesterday here in NE Tx and i was so grateful. haven't mowed lawn in over a month. dry and dusty. hoping this is the hint of fall coming!

    1. Not much at all yet, dang it. I know it's dry all over Texas huh? I have mowed the farm once this month and even then, it didn't really need it but it cleaned it all up and now it just looks exactly the same, week after week, ha.

      Fall can't come soon enough!

  6. 1st Man,

    Please send the rain this direction we sure need it :-)
    Enjoy your weekend.


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