
Sunday, September 28, 2014


American Chocolate Fund, vintage poster image, courtesy of  Imperial War Museum archives
Now this poster image is one we had NO idea they did.  An American Chocolate Fund for the the US forces in France.  It dates from WWI.  I don't really know the history behind it but from what I could find, it was not too unlike the campaigns today to send 'treats' to soldiers serving overseas.  There was actually a movement to send chocolate and tobacco.  

"The comforts of home" as they say...

Hope you all are having a good weekend.  We've been foiled by rain, yesterday, today is better but of course today we have in town errands to do.  More later, including comment replying...thanking all of you for your nice words on our blog anniversary yesterday.


  1. Very interesting tidbit of history. Didn't know about the chocolate fund.

    1. I had no idea either, kind of cool though huh?

  2. I'd not heard of that one at all. Shipping chocolate - always a sign of someone to be allied with.

    Here, on call, all quiet, homemade bread and some corn cob jelly (one batch with habanero, another one with pineapple and ginger). Recipe up on the blog if you're interested. This is Indiana, one thing we HAVE around here is corn. :-)

    1. LOL! Definitely a good ally to have, ha. Great observation.

      Ahh, sigh, sounds like a heavenly day to me...and now I'm popping over to check it out!!! Thanks!

  3. I have a tin from WW1 that had been packed with little goodies for the British troup serving overseas. I had an uncle who was killed then but I think my father kept this. My tin is empty but I believe there is one still with original contents somewhere in the family.
    I love history especially family history.

    1. Oh my gosh, how neat is that story. Family history is very nice. I bet the contents would be surprising to see. Wouldn't surprise me if there were cigs in there too! Thanks for the info!

  4. Hard to imagine sending US chocolate to peacetime, this would be coals to Newcastle!

    1. Ha, true. It's funny, you are right, US chocolates to France of all places. Of course I bet it was Hershey's.

  5. In my mind the military always had chocolate. In old war movies they were always giving it to kids. Wikipedia tells this story

  6. A great poster - I had not heard of this before. A short history lesson - and I love history!

    I'm glad you got some rain. I'm watering my garden now.


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