
Monday, September 1, 2014


Of course, all Make a Wish choices are so neat and great for these sweet children, but this one was the first I've seen of it's kind.  

Eight year old Antonio Laguna, of Waco (here in Texas) is battling ROHHAD.  He first had a wish to visit the Great Wall of China.  Then he decided that something like a trip would be over quickly and not "pay things forward".  Since he likes to garden and wants to eat healthy because of his illness, he decided that a greenhouse filled with vegetables would be his wish.  

So his parents contacted Make a Wish and they got together with the local Fort Hood military base, Backbone Valley Nursery, and Ben Atkinson Home builders, and all banded together to help build a greenhouse.

A really nice greenhouse...

...and trellises for more fruits and veggies.

...and even large fruit trees for an orchard.

Since they know that a greenhouse and orchard can be a full-time job itself, they got additional private donations and installed an automatic irrigation system so that the parents could spend more time with Antonio and his doctor visits.  Another thing...they didn't finish it.  They left empty spots for plants and trees, because Antonio likes to plant things from seed and watch them grow.

The best part of all is that he didn't do it for his own health only.  He said in an interview, "I want to help people, I want to share with people who don't have food".  His Dad said Antonio was ready to start growing...and his Mom added that he was ready to feed the world.  Wise beyond his years.

Happy Labor Day to all of you!


  1. What a great story! Thanks for sharing this, with all the crap they put in the news but they can't share this with the world.

  2. such a great wish , he is lovely boy, to think of others,,beautiful green house,

  3. 1st Man - thank you for all of your supportive comments on my friend Sci's passing - i really appreciated them. but to put up such ans inspiring story that Sci would have loved - well, that's just priceless in my mind. i know that she is up there in heaven, with pompoms and wearing a cheerleading outfit (oh she'll kill me over that one - bahahahahah!) and she is cheering little Antonio on. thanks so much for this, my friend.

    much love to you and 2nd Man, as always. your friend,

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  4. What a lovely story & a gorgeous kind boy.
    May he & his garden flourish.

  5. Such a generous spirit despite his disability. A wonderful uplifting story, thank you for sharing it.

  6. What a wonderfully beautiful and giving heart this young man has!

  7. 1st Man,

    Thank you for sharing this amazing story. I'm so happy to hear what Make A Wish did for Antonio Laguna.

  8. This made me smile and brought tears to my eyes. Good for Antonio and yay for his garden and the MAW foundation.

    Pretty awesome.


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