
Saturday, September 6, 2014


Rainy day from the porch
We had rain!  Thankfully, I gathered some mesquite pods before the rain, but more on that in another post.  I was just about to start watering the trees, in fact I had already filled up some watering cans, when it opened up and poured rain.  Yay!  Got about an inch in just over an hour.  Sat on the porch and enjoyed a glass of tea and listened to the rain.

Unfortunately,  as happens here in the Summer, after the rain, the sun comes out and the humidity goes to about 99%.  Ugh, it's unbearable.  So the rest of the day was spent inside where it was cool, doing some inside stuff.

Hope you are having a great weekend doing what makes you happy!

Downpour from the porch


  1. i sure wish we had rain but it all missed us and none in sight anytime soon. we always have that awful humidity. glad you finally got some rain!

    1. You'll have some soon enough. We needed it and there is a bit scattered around today but not actually raining yet. The humidity is the worst part isn't it?

  2. Rain is headed our way, so they say, here in Arizona. Hopefully, it will be nice & slow and not drenching or flooding. Have a great week.

    1. Oh my gosh, we hope you all get some, I know you very much need it. Have a great week too!

  3. Do you have air conditioning at the farm?

    1. Yes, two window units. We need a third to cool the dining room/mud room but for now we have one in the master which cools the bedroom, living room and foyer, and then on win the guest room that cools that room and the kitchen. And of course they both combine to cool mostly the whole house not too badly but we try to section off rooms to not have to use so much electricity, ha.

  4. 1st Man,

    We got about an inch on Saturday, it was really nice. Temperatures dropped to 62.
    Expecting more rain in the next couple of days. I can't stand it when the humidity is up, it makes for a miserable time when outside.

    1. We ended up with a little over an inch, it was most welcome. Of course, no SIXTIES for us....sigh, that must have felt great.

      Humidity is SO awful to be outside in isn't it? I don't mind heat, I don't like it but I can tolerate it, if the humidity is low but when it's humid, OMG I'd rather just sit in front of the a/c all day, ha.

  5. Sooo glad that you got some rain so you didn't have to lug water out to those trees! Nothing better than sitting on the porch and watching the rain!
    But I got nothing - nada, zero, zip! I heard thunder, smelled the rain - but it just danced all around us without a drop :(

    1. I was JUST started to fill the buckets and the rain hi. Ended up with a little over an inch according to 2nd Family. Don't you hate hearing it, seeing the dark clouds and smelling it (love the smell of rain) but then it doesn't rain at all? Nature is such tease at times, ha.


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