
Saturday, September 13, 2014


At least for Saturday...

Above was the radar image for the farm early this morning before heading out.

This is the farm now.
2nd Man had to stay in town and work.

And this is the whole general area around this part of Texas.  Maybe Sunday will be a better day for outside working.  At least I won't have to water!

I'm sure I can find SOMETHING to do...there is always something to do!
Hope your weekend is off to a better start!


  1. I’m so glad that your farm is getting some wonderful rain also. No lugging water buckets by you this weekend!

    My garden, yard, and flowers are VERY happy with the rain we finally got! I’m off to the nursery to get the latest arrivals.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. YES! I walked around during a break in the rain and there was lots of standing water so that's good! I think I might get one more time of mowing on the zen machine, possibly next weekend. Yay!

  2. Replies
    1. I hear some parts of the country are getting snows. Wow! Stay warm (and safe!)

  3. The furnace kicked on the first time since early Spring last night. eemed like a good day to put on a sweater and do some canning and bread baking.

    1. Wow! We won't have any heat kicking on until probably November. It will get cool but not cold enough for actual heating. Though, I could be surprised, the weather is definitely crazy of late...canning and bread baking. I'm the canner (though still a newbie and learning) and 2nd Man is the baker. In fact, there is bread dough rising in the kitchen now. Tomorrow, the kitchen should smell good. :-)

  4. Is that a pigeon house I see in the bottom of the photo? Do you keep pigeons?

    1. Ha, I can see why it might look like that. I took the photo from the porch and zoomed toward the garden area (really just looking for the best 'sky shot'). It's a regular birdhouse (well, I think it's for purple martins but regular birds live in there). "Ma" left it behind when she sold the property, it's up about 20 feet high on a pole. :-)


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