
Thursday, October 16, 2014


Last Thursday, I posted the image of a really neat arbor that had small pumpkins...then I found THIS. How unbelievable is this?  I wish I knew the original source/location.  I just found it on a Pinterest board and the link to it was a dead link.  This almost looks surreal doesn't it?  At first I thought they were those paper lanterns...then I realized they were gourds and squashes of all types and shapes and colors.

Would we have this on the farm?  Um, no, I can say we'd never be able to have anything like this...the ground isn't conducive and more importantly our weather isn't conducive.  But we could possibly do something on a much, much smaller scale.  I'd sure love to see something like this in person, it's almost magical!

Have a great day!

Be Inspired!


  1. that is seriously cool. i would like to sleep under it!

    1. It would be beautiful under a full moon wouldn't it?

  2. that is amazing! and yes, I can see Joyce would sleep under this, lol,!!!

  3. I had to take a second look, it is just so incredible, the frame must be really heavy steel, so much weight to support, and I am surprised the sun gets through enough to ripen the fruit/ vegetables, wow, yes this is way cool, lol!!!! I'm not sure it would be safe to sleep under or walk under for that matter, BONK a squash may land on your head!

    1. Ha, never thought of that, might have to have a sign that says "caution falling squash", LOL! It is kind of amazing that enough sun gets through.

  4. I have previously grown runner beans like this. over the path ways between my beds it makes it easier to pick and it takes up less space.

    I wouldn't have thought this would have worked due to the weight of the squash growing. so this is really a boon due to them taking up so much valuable growing and then that being vertical. very clever.

    1. I didn't think of this either, it does save a ton of space doesn't it? I like your idea of runner beans between the beds. That is something we could do. I might have to remember that next season. Thanks!!

  5. Mine grew up the apple trellis this year but that is amazing!

    1. I guess they do like trellises don't they? And this is amazing.

  6. It does look magical....until one of those suckers falls on someone's head.

    1. Falling Squash! That reminds me, I took the San Antonio river walk boat tour and they pass under a giant avocado tree growing over the river and the guide says "watch for falling guacamole", ha.

  7. Replies
    1. Can you image just going out and plucking off one to cook? ;-)

  8. Totally amazing!! It is surprising how strong the vines are when holding the unripe fruit or vege. I confess to really studying the photo for evidence of photoshopping, it just looks so unreal. Great pic, you find the best photos.

    1. You and me both. before I posted it I really looked at it and zoomed in. Thanks!!!

  9. I bet that was a bit of work to set up, but how worth the efforts. Beautiful (AND edible :-)

    1. Beautiful and edible, I like that combination. Yes I imagine the time to keep it up would be a daily event. But the end result is pretty incredible.

  10. I love all the different colors and textures! Amazing!

    1. that's what appealed to me too, just so much color and texture it's so surreal.

  11. If you want to search where a picture comes from you can use Google Chrome to do an image search. Just right click on the image and it will show you all the sites using the image. This one seems to be used for a few different sites and a lot of pinterest.

    1. Thanks, I will try that. I did something similar with google but like you said, it was almost all pinterest, and then a few garden forums. I'd love to know where this is originally, of course to source it and then to maybe learn a few more details.

  12. Get a cattle panel and bend it into an arch. I've grown gourds on one, but nothing as beautiful or grand as that one. You can also grow berries, grapes and such on it.

    1. Cattle panel? Hmm, are they easy to bend? I really like that idea. Thank you!! I've got some muscadine grapes I'd like to put in the ground but wasn't sure of an easier way to grow them...all the grape vine trellis things seem complication. Bent cattle panel sounds easier, ha.

  13. I wanted to make stockpanel arches this year, but realized there was nowhere to put them where they'd get enough light...but I've already started clearing for more beds and I'll be ready next year! Not for my biggest winter squashes, but for the midsize types, and for pole beans. But first thing in the spring: sweet peas! (You can see I've been giving this a lot of thought all summer, right?)

    1. I'm going to have to look up the stock panel arches (cattle panels as Donna said also). I like the idea. Sweet have been giving this a lot of thought. Ah, Spring, will be here before we know it...we just have to get through the Winter.


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