
Wednesday, October 29, 2014


You may remember, last week, we had some HEIRLOOM CHERRY TOMATOES left over from another meal.  This weekend, 2nd Man decided to make a side dish of green beans, bacon and those tomatoes.

First thing to do is to fry up some bacon in a large skillet until crispy.
1/2 - 1 lb (your preference, we love bacon and used a pound)...

...remove the bacon, crumble and set aside.  Pour out most of the bacon fat leaving about 1-2 TBSP (but always save the bulk for future use). Leave heat on medium and...

...add the heirloom cherry tomatoes, we had about 12 oz left over (use as much as you like).  Sauté them for a couple of minutes...

...and then add about a pound of green beans (this doesn't have to be exact, again, personal preference).

Stir the beans and tomatoes around until coated in the bacon drippings and the tomatoes start to soften. No water is added because the tomatoes and the green beans release moisture as they cook.  Salt and pepper to taste.

Put the lid on and cook for about 5 to 10 minutes or until the green beans are crisp tender and the tomatoes have started to pop.  Remove lid.  If they haven't all popped, gently squeeze with tongs or gently mash with a spatula (be careful, they are juicy but very HOT).

 We served from the pan.  However you decided to serve it, just add the crumbled bacon cooked earlier and stir.  

It's ready to eat!
Bacon green beans with meatloaf and mashed potatoes
We served ours alongside some mashed potatoes and a slice of wonderful meatloaf.  It was definitely a great meal after working outside all day.


  1. Perfect timing for this recipe! I have Mini Belle heirloom tomatoes and baby green beans in my fall garden and bacon in my freezer. Supper! Thanks!

  2. OK, the green beans of course look great but that meatloaf looks awesome too!!!

    1. Thank you, I will let 2nd Man know. Yes, that was a meal that I came back to after being out working on the property all day. It was a great meal, ha. And yes, I'll have to tell him about the meatloaf, maybe next time I can get an actual recipe, ha.

  3. I agree with both commenters, I have these ingredients ready AND the meatloaf looks wonderful. It's my first time commenting, hope I did it right. Jessie

    1. Well first of all, thank you for commenting and yes, you did just fine. You can also comment and just put a name (you don't have to put a website) and it will allow you to do it that way. Thanks again for the comment, it was yummy and seems several of you are interested in the meatloaf too. I'll work on that.

  4. Now I'm craving bacon....quite possibly my favourite food.

  5. Thanks for the vicarious meal. I too love that green bean recipe. In fact, loved it so much this past summer that my gall bladder raised it's objections. Worth it, though :).

    1. Vicarious meal, I love that, ha!! It's a good Southern staple for sure. Sorry about your gallbladder issue, I know that's not fun. It's the payoff of enjoying it now and paying for it later, right? Ha.

  6. That looks fantastically delicious.

    Jim in San Antonio

    1. Well welcome first of all, thanks for commenting, and secondly, THANK YOU! Wish I could have shared, ha.

  7. 1st Man,

    Your green beans with cherry tomatoes and bacon side looks delicious. We eat green beans often as a meal with tomatoes or with new potatoes. Fresh green beans YUM!!!

    1. Aren't they great? Green beans, FRESH green beans are just wonderful gifts from the garden. And of course toss in some bacon and it's perfect, ha.

  8. Your meal looks Gorgeous on that all white plate.
    Reminds me of the good ole country eats that I grew up with. Nothing better than having fresh; home grown veggies.

    1. Definitely nothing like it. And that is a good way to describe it, country eats! Thanks, we used to use patterned plates, then we found that we like just simple white so that we could see the beauty of the food. :-)

  9. If you have any bacon left you must try this recipe I created for my daughter's food blog. Fresh eggs are used in it too. Perfect for National Ice Cream Day today. I have to go pick green beans now so I can make your recipe. Yum.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I will definitely check out the ice cream, I mean, come on, bacon AND ice cream?

  10. hi. went to doc last week. told her about adrenal reset diet..
    then she told me this.
    if the pictured meal [delish!!!] had been eaten in this order
    1 meatloaf
    2 beans
    3 mashed potatoes

    the blood sugar level of the eater would be many points below that of a fellow diner who had eaten his serving randomly.
    of course, we like to eat randomly but the lower blood sugar count would be worth it to a diabetic or hypoglycemic.
    i'm telling everybody about it, in case it will be useful to someone they know.


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