
Thursday, October 9, 2014


Arbor, image courtesy of
Since I had a post about Pie Pumpkins a couple of days ago, when I saw this, I was intrigued.  Several of you mentioned the smaller pie pumpkins and other similar smaller squash growing on trellises.  We wondered if something like this would work for them because they are small?

It's a great way of doing a trellis, regardless.  It would have to be strong, that's for sure.  One more project to add to the 'someday' list...a list that somehow seems to always grow exponentially, ha.  

Hope you are having a great week!

Be inspired!


  1. This arbor trellis makes such a beautiful garden entrance. The sugar-pie-pumpkins on it are a gorgeous Fall decoration themselves! And I just love that walled garden - like the one in the movie “The Secret Garden.”

    This is inspiring for other vining/climbing plants, such as cucumbers - something I think I’ll try next spring.

    Growing pumpkins on a trellis reminded me of the Native American “Three Sisters” method of growing corn, beans, and squash/pumpkins together:

    Thanks for the beautiful inspiration!

    1. You always find the best links. Thanks!! You know I didn't even notice the wall in the background, LOL! Very cool. I could see cukes hanging from it.

  2. I love this idea! I could also see the Asian asparagus beans grown on it. They have beautiful flowers before the long green bean. Armenian cucumbers would be great too.

    1. Ooh, those are those really long beans, right? That would be cool. Very surreal to see something like that.

  3. We did that once with Gem squash, which are tennis ball size. I wonder which would be the best way to secure something heavier

    1. Oh my gosh that would be cool too. I'm not sure how to secure it best, if we try it, we'll do the good and/or the bad, ha.

  4. WOW! I have lattice and dog wire dividing my garden beds so it just looks like walls. I find it wonderful in terms of space saving and on these I grow what ever runs, rockmelon, pumpkin, cucumber, beans, peas as well as those plants that grow tall and need support like tomatoes etc. However, my trellis growing never looks as good as this!

    1. I like the idea of having trellis at the end of the garden beds like walls. Great idea. My mind is wandering about all of these ideas to have it arching over from one bed to another. Must. Keep. Focused. On. Other. Projects. :-)

  5. nice looking trellis!

    that wire is pretty thick - that trellis would hold a LOT - maybe this spring... ;-)

    cheers you two!

    1. Hey Jam! Nice to 'see' you. I think if we do try this next year we might go smaller, and not quite so grand. Then the wire doesn't have to be so thick, ha.

  6. I have never saw this done before, I did a tee pee trellis for my cucumbers but never thought of this, I would like to try this for zucchini!

    1. Isn't it cool? I couldn't find any more details, it was just in an article about trellises. Zucchini would be great over it too huh? And hey, this is best for animal protection, fruit up off the ground, ha.

  7. How unusual. I would think it would work for small pumpkins/squash only. Anything heavier would weigh it down too much.

    1. Yeah, I was showing a coworker and they said "could you do watermelons like that?". Ha, unfortunately no...I think it would be neat for the smaller ones though, like you said. Very cool.

  8. I would not like to be walking underneath if one fell!
    Have a good weekend.

    1. LOL! Never thought about that! "watch for falling pumpkins" HA!


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