
Friday, November 7, 2014


It's the end of the world as we know it!  LOL!

Cows and Horses grazing together
This past weekend, I looked over the garden fence to the neighboring pasture and there was a horse...and a cow...and another horse...and another cow.  They just all casually crazed and occasionally looked up to see what I was doing.  They definitely keep me company when I'm out there doing stuff.  

And speaking of doing stuff, we had a nice gentle rain Wednesday and Thursday and ended up with about 3/4" of rain.  That's nice and definitely good for the stuff I planted last weekend.  It also softens up the ground so I can dig a few more holes this weekend.  With this forecast, it will indeed be a great weekend.

We may not have many of these left this season so we have to strike while the iron is hot, or in this case, cool, LOL!  Hope you have good plans and a good weekend to get them all done!

Updates as we can!


  1. Love the peaceful scene!
    That rain sure was needed and beneficial. Hope you get lots done in this beautiful weekend weather.

    1. It was a gorgeous weekend wasn't it? Having livestock nearby is always nice and relaxing...

  2. Such a lovely photo. Reminds me when I was a kid when my horse would graze out in the pasture along with the cows.
    We received almost 2 inches of rain earlier in the week but having a cold front coming in next week which is moving down from Alaska and also a possible chance of a light freeze for later in the week. :{
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    ColleenB. ~ Texas

    1. Wow, you got some nice rain, but now a light freeze? Yikes! We are supposed to be much colder at the end of the week as well. Thanks for the comment about the photo, I thought it was a very peaceful scene.

  3. Replies
    1. Freezing already?? Tis the season! Enjoy your season, time for warm food and fireplaces and hot chocolate!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well!!

  5. 1st Man,

    Have fun planting!!! Were expecting some snow next weekend.

    1. Got some things planted, a lot actually, and did some other outdoor things that needed to be done. Glad because while no freeze/snow for us, it's supposed to be very cold and wet next weekend. Ugh. Stay warm!

  6. I wish I had a nice scene like that from my house. Of course, I live in the city. It's just a bit cooler than that here. It did go down to freezing for a couple of nights, but came right back up for the next few nights.

    1. Stay warm!! And safe!! Yes, I miss these scenes when we are in town. It's just so relaxing and nice to see.


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