
Thursday, November 6, 2014


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One thing on our short range farm list is an in ground fire pit.  We are even prepping an area now to get it ready, but more on that in a future post.  Until then, we are collecting ideas.  We like both of these and especially the style of having them in ground/semi in ground with Adirondack chairs around that.  

Above is one with different colored chairs...and below is one with the same color chairs around it.

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We do like the them both, but I have to admit to liking the whimsy of the multicolored chairs.  it's fun and of course adds color.  2nd Man likes the natural wood color, he said it's more cohesive (that might be a good look into our psyches huh? LOL).    

Maybe a good compromise would be all the same but all red?  All yellow?  All blue?  Then he gets his cohesive and I get my pop of color!

Be Inspired!


  1. 1st Man - Be warned - a sunken firepit is not easy to clean and can become a mini dam... ;) The second pic is a better option, plus you'll have the fire warmed stones to rest your tootsies on :)

    All one colour would be my vote.

    1. I like that thinking (about the fire warmed stones) and I never thought about the cleaning ability. Good point. Thanks!!

  2. Well, I'm not a 'sitting outside on a day cold enough for a fire gal'...nor am I a 'sitting on hard wood chairs kind of a gal' but...going strictly on visual, I like the cohesive look. Now throw a couple thick seat cushions on there and we're talkin' my language.

    1. LOL! I understand. Seat cushions are something I forgot about that would add the color. Thanks!!

  3. Well the cleaning of the fire pit never crossed my mind. I imagine if you covered it when not in use it would keep some of the water out. I like the raised stone edge. Better for keeping drunken friends from stepping in :) I like the wooden chair look as well. You can always add pillows for your punch of color. Only problem I see with the whole thing is at my age after an hour in one of those chairs, you're going to need a crane to get me out, LOL!

    1. They do have some covers, to keep out water and such, perhaps I need to take that into mind. Now see I do find the chairs comfortable but then again, like you said, after an hour or so, hmmm....might need to test them out, ha.

  4. I had some of the same thoughts as the others. My first thought was that at my age it's hard to get out of any low chair or sofa. We have a wonderful leather sofa, but I need to sit on a pillow to raise my center of gravity so my old knees can take the strain of hoisting it and the rest of me. I can remember my father once breaking the arm of his chair with his weight pushing on it to rise out of it. It's a reality of aging and of painful joints that often go with it. You might love the look of matching chairs, but please provide some with higher seats for you older guests. (The same goes for toilets.) I, too, like the look of the in-ground fire pits better than the metal ones popular today. But in-ground doesn't have to mean that it's totally IN the ground. It can be part above ground and part below. No matter which it is, it will have to be cleaned out occasionally. The main problem I see with it being below ground is the pool effect. It would even be a breeding place for mosquitoes if it doesn't drain. You get some heavy rainfalls close to the gulf and that means puddles and pools of water in depressions. Since you're not there full time yet you won't be around to monitor it.

    1. That's a greeat idea, having options for other guests. Thank you for that. So funny you mentioned the half in / half out option. That's what we were thinking about too. Draining is something to think about, a cover (metal cover) could diminish that for the most part but there could be seepage from about the sides. Thanks for the advice, much appreciated!!

  5. i'm with second man on the chairs. my firepit is sunken and we only need to clean it out once or twice a year and it takes no time at all. and we use it constantly.

    1. Do you have issues with rain water? Or does it have a cover? Thanks for the info. And yeah, I think the uniform color is the best and then I can get my color pops with cushions as others have suggestion. Thanks!

  6. I like them both. Maybe choose one color and one natural to mix 'em up.

    1. Good idea too. Dang, it's funny how things we haven't thought of are so obvious when someone suggests it. thanks!

  7. I would suggest that you think hard about raising the pit above the ground at least a foot because when you are older you may have difficulty using the pit. Mine is high and I am old and I am continually pleased that I made it high.

    1. See, some of us were worried about the rain and such, but you're right, thinking about us as we age would make it easier as well. Thanks!! (and nice to 'see' you again, missed you)

  8. i agree with others about the low chairs, definitely need higher ones!
    I think I go with the natural colour & add colourful cushions.

    1. We'll look into other chairs as well, thanks. And the colorful cushions is a great idea.

  9. You might want to think about creating a space in your pit off to one side where you can pull hot coals out of the fire to put a dutch oven on. Nothing like a good stew or soup bubbling away outdoors!

    1. WOW! Never crossed my mind and now I might be more excited about that, ha. Thanks!! Anything connected to food is good to us, ha.

  10. I like both types of chair but the thing that stuck out for me was the sense that the second pit was in its own special place that was only accessible by the leading path and stairs. A secret leisure spot if you will.

    1. Oh, I love the secret leisure spot...our first fire pit area will be close to the house, but something in a more remote spot would be nice as well. A secret garden. :-)

  11. I love the vibrancy of the different colors of chairs. But then, as others said, you could achieve nearly the same effect with colored cushions.
    I like the elevated fire pit - I like to see the flames and it’s easier to use.
    Whatever you choose, it’s going to be fantastic. Bring out the marshmallows!

    1. Cushions, you all have convinced me, ha. Not sure why that never crossed my mind, but that's probably because the pics didn't have them, LOL. Isn't a fire fun and relaxing?

  12. I agree about the getting older thing. I'm older and I like my firepit higher off the ground as well as my chairs. If I sat in one of those, it would take a mule to get me out of there. Ha! Ha! I like to look into a firepit as well and the idea of the cooking would be awesome. I'm in love with the colored chairs and, of course, red is my favorite color!

    1. LOL that made us laugh, we can relate, ha. I lean toward red as well. Wouldn't that be pretty? I'll have to look into other forms of seating as well. Isn't cooking a great idea? I'll have to research that.

  13. Actually I like having all the chairs the natural wood color being it's more woodsie looking. I like the all different colors but I 0prefer them more for more of a city life setting.
    Building a fire pit:,,1636191,00.html.

    Many options to choose from:

    Now, once you get your pit built; I'll bring the marshmallows and hot dogs. :}

    1. With the natural chairs they just seem more of a country feel.

    2. Great links, thank you for those!!! Natural is more country for sure. Maybe natural with some nice stain. Mmm, marshmallows and hot dogs. Now I'm hungry, ha. You'll get the first invite, ha.

  14. 1st Man, I like the same color on all the chairs with maybe making multicolored all weather pillows to rest your back on.

    We picked up a chiminea the other day for our back patio to sit in front of and enjoy when it's nice and cold outside :-)

    1. Like your idea Sandy of using the natural chairs and adding colored cushions or pillows.

    2. Great idea about the multicolored pillows, like Colleen said, it would be nice on natural wood. Thanks for reminding me that the all weather fabric is the one to use. A chiminea is nice. Actually that might be a great idea for the secret garden area sometime too. I like that. Thanks again!!!


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