
Friday, November 14, 2014


When we went to vote earlier this month, this was in the flower bed outside of the location where we went.  It was SO pretty in person...

Hundreds and hundreds of marigolds.  So pretty and cheerful and in this cold weather, it will be awhile before can have these now. I know marigolds are good deterrents for bugs, so this is inspiring me to think of some flower beds around the garden area where I could plants a bunch of them next year and add color and deter pests.  Always good to start planning now.

Kind of crazy to think that these were gorgeous and in bloom just ten days ago, now we are down in the 20's!  With the weather this weekend...

...we're thinking we'll just stay in town and run some errands.  It will just be cold and wet and that's never a fun combination.  Hopefully with the farmhouse being cold, no creatures will seek refuge while we aren't there. 

If you are in the United States, there's a pretty good chance you are experiencing the "Polar Vortex", so stay warm!  If you are anywhere else, be glad you aren't here experiencing this!


  1. They are cheerful little plants...I imagine if we google it there are lots of helpful pairings in plantings.

    1. Cheerful is a great way to describe them. Yes, lots of plantings are good pairings I need to read up o that for next season for sure.

  2. They are colourful as well as being useful.
    We are opposite as usual with weather. We have just had 2 days in the high 30's but now it is settling to late 20's which I can cope with!
    Enjoy your weekend wherever you are.

    1. Definitely colorful and useful. Weather is just so crazy this season...hope you have a great weekend too!

  3. Marigolds are so hearty and healthy. One of my favorites is a French dwarf variety called Dainty Marietta. Mine are all buried under the snow - over a foot so far. When it all melts away and things dry up again, I will be able to collect seeds for next year.

    1. Oooh, I will have to look up the french dwarf variety, thanks! I'm already thinking of some flower beds and making some plans for them, on both the front and back of the garden fence. I was thinking just filling it with marigolds would be pretty,

  4. Love the oranges and golds for wintertime. While those don't smell very pretty, the colors are amazing. Sad to say they don't like cold either. I'm in Arizona and luckily we are only having milder temperatures but not the cold vortex the rest of you are having. I'm thankful for that. I remember last year during the NFR, 1st week in Dec there was one of these and I froze out and came back home! Hate the cold. Stay warm!

    1. You know, I never thought about that, that some people don't like the smell. For some reason I do enjoy it. It reminds me of my childhood, my Grandmother always had them and maybe that's just stuck in my brain memories, ha. Glad you aren't totally in the midst of the 'vortex', ha. Stay warm to you!!!

  5. i love this weather! the colder the better! my merigolds were better this year than ever before.

    1. Colder the better? Ha. Well I will take cold over the oppressive heat but I don't want it to be TOO cold, ha.

  6. I love marigolds! They are beautiful, hardy, and helpful - such happy flowers. Great plans for next spring’s planting. Winter is dreaming-and-planning time for spring!
    With producing squash, green beans, peppers, and tomatoes, I spent a couple of hours yesterday covering up them and other plants trying to extend the fall season.
    Polar Vortex go away!

    1. Happy flowers, yep, they rank up there with sunflowers of happiness flowers huh? This is (since you are just down he road) weird weather for us this time of year huh? Of course, it could be 75 on Thanksgiving, we never know, ha. Stay warm and keep planning!

  7. I love marigolds. I grow Calendula in the veg plot and African marigold for the greenhouse to deter whitefly from the tomatoes.

    1. Thanks for that, I with have to remember that variety as well. Anything that deters something bad, that's a good thing, right? Ha.

  8. I was moaning over weather here in Alabama being in the low 20s. Cheerfully, I said, "But, it will probably be very warm over Thanksgiving. In the South, we never give up since the weather changes so in the winter--sandal weather one day and parka weather next.

    1. The weather changes frequently in the South. I don't think our Northern friends realize how much of a roller coaster it can be, ha. Stay warm (and then cool, ha)

  9. Growing up, we would always border or garden in marigolds. I love them! Planted then with my first garden this year, but the rabbits got in and duff then up just as they were budding. I was so sad.

    1. Yay! Glad to know I wasn't the only one that thought that would be neat, ha. Now we do have rabbits, I never thought about them eating them. I'll have to remember that. Thank you!!!

    2. Wow, so sorry for all of my typos there. I'm usually so much better about it.

    3. LOL, it's ok, I totally understand. I've had a few posts go up like that, ha. Then I read it back and go "what was I doing?", ha. No worries!!

  10. 1st Man,
    Marigolds are hearty and great flowers to plant in your vegetable garden......they help to keep bugs away. I was down in the Ft Worth area of TX this past week, storms rolled in. They really picked up some nice and well needed rain. Hopefully, you received rain and no flooding down your way. Back at home there was 5 inches of snow. Now that I've returned home there's no sign of snow, it all melted.
    The leaves on the tree's are now all dead and falling, winter is truly here.


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