
Saturday, December 13, 2014


Click here to find the book on Amazon
I had the pleasure of reading a book from a fellow blogger.  Many of you know Leigh Tate from her blog 5 Acres and a Dream where she is chronicling their journey.  If you don't know her, get on over there and check it out. 

She has recently written a book that documents that journey.  Even though I received the book in the Summer, I hadn’t blogged about it yet because I was actually saving it for those cold Winter evenings when I could lay in bed and read.  It has been on my nightstand and for the last week I’ve done just that, reading a chapter or two each evening.  While our own adventure, that I blog about here, bears a few similarities, we are nowhere NEAR being ready to do what she and her husband have done.  Because the book is divided up into different accounts of events and plans, it’s kind of nice to read about it and the next day,  when I find myself daydreaming about something they have done, I Google to find out more info on the topic.  In fact, one of the early things we’re going to do is use their rainwater harvesting technique almost exactly as they have done it on their farmstead.

Click here to visit her blog
The book is chock full of tips and techniques.  In 5 Acres and a Dream, she takes us all on the journey toward creating a homestead, pretty much from scratch, and documents all the highs and, yes, even the occasional lows.  It’s hard work, and she readily mentions that, but still, I swear she makes it look so easy.  Heck, she even has some recipes in it!  This is a book that anyone, novice homesteader wannabe or someone experienced and living off the grid for years, would enjoy and be able to find both knowledge and kinship within its pages.  It’s not always an easy journey but in the end, it’s a worthwhile journey and she has done it all with a grace and fighting spirit that would make those that have come before us (and done it) proud.

So grab a copy of the book, it's both reference manual and personal story in one engaging story and would make a great gift for your own reading list or for someone on your gift list.

Here is the Amazon link:

This link to the publishing company has all the online places that it's available:

I know one thing for sure, with this book's help, and our own "Master Plan", I want our farm to be like theirs when it grows up, ha.  

Thanks for sharing your journey with us Leigh!


  1. I have this book! A friend gave it to me and I love it!

  2. Thanks for the review, I love homesteading books and will put this on my wish list.

    1. It's an awesome book for lovers of homesteading info.

  3. I read Leigh's book earlier in the year when we were preparing to move to our 5 acres and now follow her bolg, It is hard work physically and mentaly and like Leigh my husband works away through the week so most of the work falls on my shoulders. Well worth a read.

    1. Another great endorsement. Definitely a great read. And good luck on your adventures as well!

  4. 1st Man,

    5 Acres and a Dream Book is a great reference book to add to your personal library. I love this book!!!!
    And I love her blog.

    1. Definitely a must have for anyone to use as a reference. And yes, her blog is wonderful as well. A wealth of info there too!

  5. I was looking for a book to give my husband who wants us to buy a place to retire to someday, this sounds like it would be a great idea. Thanks! And I love your blog by the way. You are doing what we hope to do.

    1. Well, first, thanks for the sweet words. We appreciate it I hope you'll come back and visit! Yes, this book would be a great stocking stuffer/Christmas gift for someone wanting to do something like this.

  6. Thanks for review. I am going to head over to her blog! laura

    1. No problem, thanks for commenting! Yes, her blog is fun and has a ton of info on it as well.

  7. I just got my copy the other day and I haven't been able to put it down. Thanks for the great recommendation!


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