
Sunday, December 28, 2014


Always seem to get us down...

After the radar image I posted from yesterday morning, this is it today at about 4:30pm.  Nothing has changed...though the rain is finally, albeit slowly, going away.  Rainfall abut 1 1/4" over the last two days.

Since it was rainy, cold and we had a case of the blahs, we just didn't feel like cooking in.  We went out to eat and had Tex-Mex both days.  Today we went to another of our favorite local places.

Fajita tacos
These are chicken and beef fajita tacos, drizzled in queso with sides of rice and re-fried beans.  Hot, fresh, and so good!

Queso Flameado
This is an appetizer called Queso's melted asadero cheese topped with chorizo.  You stir it all up and then spread it on flour tortillas.  

Healthy?  Probably not so much.  
Delicious?  Absolutely.

Yesterday it was 78 it is 39 degrees with the possibility of a light freeze tonight.  Houston area weather, it can change on a dime!

Chocolate chip cookies
So we came home this afternoon and 2nd Man made some more chocolate chip and pecan cookies.  Using the oven is a great way to warm up the house on a cold evening and of course course warm cookies can warm up the body too...

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  1. Wow, y’all sure know how to warm up a dreary, cold, rainy day! TexMex and chocolate chip-pecan cookies - yum!
    Yep, shorts yesterday morning and coats today - good ol’ Texas weather!
    Chicken noodle soup for my supper tonight to warm me up.

    1. LOL! Tex-Mex might be new to those visitors elsewhere...but chocolate chip cookies are universal, ha.

      Definitely, yesterday the a/c was on and it was hot and humid, today the heat is on and it's cold and damp. They always say, if you don't like the weather just wait a couple of days, ha.

      Stay warm!

  2. It's been cold here in Arizona for the last two days and, consequently, some things have frozen outside. The rain is headed our way by Tues. night, so they say. Have a great week. Happy New Year.

    1. Hopefully the freezing will be gone by the time the rain comes so y'all don't have a big mess.

      Thanks, you too and yep, chat at you next year, ha.

  3. Saturday was a brilliantly sunny day with temps in upper 50s. Then, the rain came again and the temps dropped and the chill is in my bones. I might make pasta salad with the last of the chicken and with cranberry sauce on the side. It will get colder, but so far it is warmer than last year. I do need something warm. Maybe cookies after the pasta salad.

    I discovered the last Energizer rebate was less than I posted. However, I posted an even better one today. I hope you were not too disappointed in the last error.

    1. Pasta salad....mmm....I am a pasta addict, I can eat pasta in any form.

      I hope you stay warm and dry! I know the cold isn't easy on you, stay warm and safe!!

  4. Ya'll atleast got some seriously good rain out of all this.. We got misty grey days.. no real accumulation of rain. Now they are saying below freezing for several days for us.. geesh seems we could have atleast got the good rain to go with it! Texas weather its a toot..No? LOL.. 70s one day and freezing the next.

    1. Yep, a nice rain (just wished it was during the week instead of the long weekend, ha). At least we are only going to flirt with the freezing. Texas weather is probably some of the most unique anywhere isn't it? Be warm!

  5. Sometimes I really miss Mexican food! I lived in CO for 7 years, and really got spoiled.

    1. I would hate to not have access to it, it's SO good, ha. Thanks for stopping by!!

  6. Rain - oh, please - send some this way...


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