
Saturday, December 27, 2014


Well it might be a holiday weekend but it's another messed up weekend.  Radar image this's rainy and gray.  So far about 3/4" of rain, needed, but not needed on a long weekend when so much more could be getting done.

Unfortunately, we still have our coughs, so we went to the store to pick up some honey.  Do you know these little honey bears are $6 each?  What the heck?  And it's not even local honey!  It does however help with the cough, better than any cough medicine we've used.  Gotta love those bees!

Honey bear
...oh how we can't wait until we have honey from our own hives!

The gray hangs like a billowy blanket on a clothesline, ready to drop down and envelop you at any moment.

Caldo de Res
We did run out to our favorite local Mexican restaurant and got a big bowl of Caldo de Res (beef soup).  It's SO good, especially on these kinds of days.


  1. Shame about your weather.
    Your honey will definitely cure your coughs quicker, although at that price honey bear should do the job!
    We are hoping for some rain today but 32deg C.

    1. LOL! For sure! Yes, the honey does relieve the cough.

  2. Sorry to hear that you are coughing. I also use Claeys horehound old fashioned hard candy. Very soothing to the throat. The soup looks delicious. I made a pot of turkey soup with left over vegetables and it was delicious. It is beautiful in Arizona today though a bit chilly but I'm headed out to check on everything. Happy New Year!

    1. I've never used that, I will have to look for it. Yes, the soup is great, it's veggies and beef and a rich broth. You add cooked Mexican style rice to it and squeeze in some limes. Mmm! Turkey soup sounds yummy too! Thanks!!

  3. Rainy days and soup...the perfect combination. Rainy here too so I made turkey soup.

    1. And now it's turned cold. But soup and rain is a great combination. And another person making turkey soup. We're going to have to try that.

  4. Sorry y’all are feeling under the weather with coughs. That delicious-looking soup and the honey should help. It better with the cost of that honey! You’ll have a backyard goldmine when you produce your own honey - and yours will be local!
    I love your poetry in describing the clouds - beautifully descriptive!
    I went out to my garden this morning, before the rain, and picked some cauliflower for soup - that should warm up this cold, cloudy day. Also picked some scallions, kale, and rainbow Swiss chard for a quick stir-fry. I love my garden!

    1. We feel fine otherwise, just the annoying cough that comes and goes. Yes, we'll have natural, local honey. Can't wait!! Look at you cooking up the garden haul. Love it. Hope we have a nice Fall garden next year.

  5. I use Horehound Cough Drops...a natural cough stopper. Don't laugh at the name, it's real and it works. Hope y'all feel better soon.

    1. it does have a funny name, ha, but I've heard of horehound candies/cough drops but haven't tried them. Not sure where I'd find them but I might just go look for them. Thanks!!

  6. 1st Man - you know i love guys so therefore i only have 2 words for you - GET LOCAL UNPASTEURIZED HONEY AND EAT IT BY THE SPOONFULL, GARLIC, GARLIC AND MORE GARLIC (raw and in tea) AND APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (WITH THE MOTHER IN IT)!!!! sorry for all of that yelling and i know it was more than 2 words, but hey - it works!!! one last thing - HOMEMADE BONE AND VEG BROTH!!! oh and - GET BETTER SOON!!!

    much love to you both! your friend,

    1. Looking for local honey, there is a place here in our neighborhood that usually has it but this time of year it's hard to find. We called and they are going to track down a bottle for us. And yep, I love garlic so that's never a problem. Never have had it raw but I'll do that. THANK YOU AND WE LOVE YOU BOTH AS WELL (see yelling worked good there, ha). :-)

      Thank you!

  7. Not only is the honey not local, it has the pollen filtered out. The pasteurization is a bigger problem than not local.

    1. True, see above, we will probably have some soon. It's raw and good stuff. For now, this honey stops the coughing but I know the healthy benefits of the raw is worth it.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you, we feel pretty good just the yucky cough that hangs around. :-)

  9. I thought about you guys as I was was making hibiscus tea with honey in it today. Can you grow hibiscus in Texas?

    1. Yes! Hibiscus grows here, though we do get freezes in the Winter and they usually get killed off. But they do extremely well the rest of the year. In fact, we're thinking of putting a few at the farm, even if we have to replace them seasonally, ha. Thank you for the reminder. This is another good reason to have some! :-)

  10. Aren't you guys using Vicks Salve on the soles of your feet for the coughing?

    1. Yes, definitely we are doing that at night before bed and it works wonders. We can sleep through the night nicely. It's just up and walking around during the day, you can't really have them on while moving around it's kind of difficult to manage, ha. But definitely at night, we are sleeping well. Love that part, ha.

  11. 1st Man,

    Both Gail and Kymber have great advice when not feeling well. Take it easy, make sure to drink plenty of water. Ship your rain to us, we could use it over this snow we picked up last night.

    1. Thank you, always get such good advice from our friends (you included!). Send rain? We did send it, lots of heavy rain, but I guess it was just too cold up there and it turned to snow. Haha!

  12. That soup looks wonderful! There is a funky virus going around that has a cough that last upwards of 5 weeks. :( One more home remedy to try if you want (I'm full of those!) Take a clean mason jar and slice lemons and fill the jar about 1/2 way. Sprinkle with 1/2-1 teaspoon of ground ginger and fill the jar with honey. Place it in the fridge and stir periodically. A few teaspoons several times a day "straight" or in tea helps coughs a lot! Feel better!

    1. Ugh, I think that's what we have. We feel better but the cough just lingers. I like your remedy. I'll get the stuff tomorrow and see how it works. Thanks!! Suggest anytime, we love it!

  13. i have had a cold that has hung on for weeks. hope you guys feel better soon! it is raining here this morning!

    1. It's apparently a bug that is causing a long cough. Not the flu, no horrible symptoms, it's just like a cold that lingers in the background, ha. Hope YOU feel better too. Stay warm and dry!

  14. Our HEB grocery carries raw honey. I just bought some there. It was from Walker Honey Farms. It is located in Rogers Tx. just south of Temple. It is in a qt. canning jar and weighs 48 oz. and I think it was $11.99. They have another brand that is in central Tx. too, but I can not remember the name. That would carry you over until you get your own honey. Hope you both get well soon.

    1. You know, that's a great idea, HEB. There is one near my office, I'll check that tout tomorrow at lunch. Thank you. I would like anything local. Thank you for the suggestion and kind words!

  15. Menards, Tractor Supply and Rural King carry the horehound candy. It works well for a sore throat but the best cure (in my opinion) is the hot toddy. Although I am sure a big part of that is you have a buzz and no longer care you feel like dookie, haha. Sending well wishes your way :)

    1. Well, we do have Tractor Supply here, thanks for that!!!

      And that hot toddy...hmm, that might be a good way to end the day after going back to work Monday, ha. Thank you!!!

  16. As children we were given honey, lemon and whiskey by the spoonful for a cough. I guess that could explain a lot. It worked, the hangovers always stunk though. Ha. I love your description of the sky. It reminded me of The Book Thief and her description of the sun as a silver oyster. What about that soup. I could use a bowl of that!

    1. We haven't seen that movie yet, I will have to put that on our list. I remember it got rave reviews, even if not the most uplifting of subject matter.

      The soup is (was, ha) so good. Thanks for the kind words!


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