
Friday, December 5, 2014

THE BIRD THIEF is this for a "farm moment"...

Recently, I was leaning over in the garden, doing some weeding in one of the raised beds and I had taken my gloves off and put both of them on the gate railing to be "safe".  Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me.  

It was a bird calling loudly.  I turned around and there was a black one (a Grackle I think?), sitting on the gate...

The bird thief then proceeded to poop on the fence, grabbed one of my gloves in its beak and flew away, disappearing down the driveway and off into the trees...


What the Hell?

I suppose it will be funny if someday I'm mowing and glance up into a tree and see the familiar orange incorporated into a birds nest, but for now, I'll need another pair of gloves...and I guess I'll need to put them under a heavy brick when "not in use", LOL.

Anyone ever have something stolen by an animal/bird?


  1. That's hilarious but if it happened to me I would be annoyed. I mentioned the bowerbirds the other day, well we saw one of them fly off with one of my onions in its beak. I had pulled them up the day before and had them drying on the verandah. It was a sizeable onion too. These birds like to collect things for their bowers. I will often find my peg basket overturned with pegs scattered over the lawn only to then find the pegs (mostly blue but sometimes yellow and purple) deep in the bush. I find it hard to believe that a female would be attracted by an onion though!

    1. I laughed and then I WAS annoyed, ha. Fly off with an onion? Holy cow!! Maybe birds are hoarders, ha.

  2. It's more than likely stowed it in a hollow in a tree.

    1. Ah, true, I didn't think about that. I'll keep an eye out, especially this Fall/Winter with no leaves and then the bright orange, ha.

  3. We were at the beach one day in New York. My boyfriend was eating a sandwich when a gull swooped down from behind him and grabbed his sandwich and flew off. We never saw him coming. I found out later that the sea gulls at the New York beaches are notorious and very good at doing this. Ha, ha. We were so shocked and laughed like crazy. Suzan

    1. Oh my gosh, THAT'S hilarious!! Well, sorry he lost a sandwich, ha, but that would have be shocking on the one hand, and then funny after the fact. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I had a horse that would pick up anything I didn't tie down. My camera was dented by equine teeth, he stole my jacket, shaking it like a dog, he also made a run for it with a bag of nails.

    1. Really? Wow! I always think of horses as kind of mischievous. :-) I bet it was funny watching him shaking it like a dog.

  5. wow! i have never had a bird steal anything!

  6. That is so funny - sorry, but I laughed out loud! Reminds me of “Dusty the Cat Burglar” - a cat in San Francisco who goes out each night and steals things from the neighbors:

    1. Oh my gosh, I totally remember that story. Saw something on the news about it once. Isn't that crazy? I have kind of want to leave the other glove out and watch what happens. :-)

  7. 1st Man,

    I bet that bird used the glove to line it's nest. Bye.....bye glove.

  8. Franklin stole my bed socks a few days ago and left them on the deck. He loves to sneak things outside.


    1. Maybe he was letting the warm up for you in the sunshine, ha.

  9. Haha--that's awesome! Well in a funny way, not because your glove is missing. You can set up a suet cage filled with bits and bobs of string, ribbon, thin strips of fabric and dryer lint, the birds can use the materials for nest building. The upside is if you use brightly colored strings (etc) you can spot the nests easier when bird watching.

    1. What a neat idea. I will have to do something like that. I'd love to see nests with some brightly colored strings and yarn. Thanks!!

  10. We had a dog that would bring home a shoe every night from some neighbor. I was horrified and would put the shoe on the mailbox, hoping someone would see it. We never had anyone claim a shoe.

    1. OH MY! That's funny (but kind of embarrassing if the neighbors figure it out, ha). You have to wonder what people thought when they only had one shoe, LOL!

  11. True story: my dear friend raised a baby crow, Hector. One day we were out sitting by the pool when Hector swooped down and grabbed her lit cigarette out of the ash tray! We spent the next 1/2 hour watching that damn bird hop from branch to branch with that cigarette in his beak! She had that bird for quite awhile...I could write a book filled with Hector stories.

    1. Oh my gosh that is TOO funny! Can you imagine having caught that on video? You could have made a fortune on youtube, LOL! Heck, I'd read the book of Hector, sounds fun!!


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