
Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Pumpkin Gutting Tool
Found this in the clearance bin at lunch last week.  It's a pumpkin gutter.  I've never heard of it but hey, maybe I've lived a sheltered life.

 It was only $2.48...never thought I'd find Halloween clearance after Christmas but I guess it was just waiting to be taken home by us.

Pumpkin Gutter
Next year when we do the Pie Pumpkins again, this will come in handy.  It goes in the business end of a power drill and then you just use it to remove the guts, strings and seeds.  Should be fun to try and maybe it'll be a big timesaver.

UPDATE:  They sell them at AMAZONl. Who knew?  

Here is the link:  Pumpkin Gutter & Carving Tool

Anyone ever seen one of these?


  1. Never seen one before. But it looks fun.Rosezeeta

  2. have not seen one but it looks like a good idea.

    1. It's definitely interesting. Time will tell, ha.

  3. I bet that would work good on squash too!

    1. I never thought about that, but it probably would.

  4. Please don't get mad. So funny I can't help it, but you might better do that outside. I can just see seeds and pumpkin going everywhere. Plus the pumpkin strings are going to get tangled in the beater. Ever made a pumpkin pie filling with a electric hand mixer?

    1. bahhahahahahahh! oh steakandegss is really onto something here! i have never seen one, nor heard of one. but when it comes to crazy, strange, weird stuff that no one has heard about - YOU, 1st Man, always win the prize!!!!! bahahahahah! really, you should follow steakandeggs' directions to use that crazy thing outside. oh and when you do - pleeeeez take pics! still laughing...and sending much love to you and 2nd Man!

      bahahahahahahah! your friend,

    2. LOL! Steakandeggs you bring up a great point. I didn't think about that. Hmm....I might have to rethink this, ha.

      Kymber, you are just jealous aren't you? I know you want pumpkin guts flinging all over your kitchen, don't you? I'm sure Jam would love it too. ;-)

  5. You find the most amazing things! Can't wait for you to try it and share the details.

    1. Thanks, there are some odd things out there, I just keep my eye out, ha. I will definitely share the details, though with no pumpkins around now, it might be awhile, ha.

  6. Well, that is unusual. Wear a plastic poncho and goggles and go outdoors.

    Right now, stores are cleaning out the back and clearancing everything for inventory. They don't want to count it or explain to district manager what all those boxes of junk are doing. WM has 4th of July items on clearance.

    1. LOL! I have been sharing these comments with 2nd Man and he said "Oh no, you are NOT doing that inside the house....or on the porch...or in the garage." FINE! Ha. Poncho is a great idea too, ha.

      Tis the season for deals I bet, ha.

  7. This looks so interesting! I always dislike cleaning the insides out of pumpkins - hope it works well.

    1. I never really liked it either and figured for about $2, it was worth a shot. And hey, judging from the comments, it might be rather entertaining, ha.

  8. Be sure to make a video of the process so we can all enjoy your test for this new marvelous gadget. You can't go wrong with trying a new item if it's only $2.48. Who knows, it may work wonderfully.

    1. I will TOTALLY do that. It might be the most amazing thing ever, or a complete and utter fail, ha. We'll see what happens when pumpkins come around again. ;-)

  9. Oh my goodness! Where has that been my entire life???!!!??? I must go to amazon and look for one immediately! I freaking hate cleaning pumpkins and my daughters goal in life is to get the biggest pumpkin ever! Amazon here a come! Then to the Dollar Tree to get a rain poncho because it can't hurt, right????

    1. I know, right? I just updated the post, I found one on Amazon. And I definitely think a poncho is in the cards too, ha. Good luck!!

  10. you come up with the coolest finds. Gee, I'm wondering how good that would be for mixing paint

    1. Ha, I bet it would be a good paint mixer but could get out of control quickly, ha.

  11. I have never seen that, never would have dreamed it existed! At first I thought it was some sort of mixing tool. Looks perfect for the intended purpose though.

    1. It seems like a good thing. I found one for sale on Amazon and it has almost all 5 star reviews. Go figure, ha. We'll try it next pumpkin season. ;-)

  12. Irresistible item on clearance! I'll be looking forward to a video :)

    1. I promise to have a video, good or bad, when the time comes. Definitely irresistible, ha.


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