
Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Recently, I blogged HERE about finding a great old vintage cookbook.  A friend of the blog saw the post and contacted us and asked for our address, she said she had something to send to us.  

A few days later, we received this in the mail:

Round the World Meat Cookbook
It's an awesome vintage cookbook, entitled the Round The World Meat Cookbook, by Myra Waldo.  There are tons of great recipes, obviously with meat as the main ingredient, covering all different types of dishes from various and diverse countries.  It's an almost 50 year old cookbook and we love it!  It will go in a special place at the farm with our other vintage cookbooks.  We can't wait to find some recipes to cook, and of course share them here on the blog.

It came thoughtfully gift wrapped, in a really neat vintage paper (that we saved to use for some future project), and one of her children even made us a "Got Books?" bookmark (which we will forever keep with this book).  

The world of blogging is filled with such wonderful people!

Thank you sweet friend, it is much appreciated!


  1. So very nice of the person who sent you such a wonderful cookbook. Wish that was in my collection.
    Here is a bit of history on Myra Waldo

    1. Dang, you are good! Thanks for that. What a fascinating lady huh? Love that we have this book.

  2. That is a very nice gift. I love old things as gifts.

    1. Old things are really neat gifts aren't they?

  3. What a lovely gift. The warmth and the wonder of the blogosphere blow me away.

    1. Amen! Have "met" so many wonderful and supportive people (like you too!). It gives me hope for the future!!

  4. What a beautiful gift from a thoughtful person! Vintage things are wonderful!

    1. Vintage things are just so much fun. I love to imagine the history, where it came from, who used it, etc. Very neat!!

  5. I have this book. Bought it when it first came out. Does that date me?? I've made several recipes from this book and they all turned out yummy. Enjoy!!


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