
Sunday, March 15, 2015


Wow what a difference a day makes!  Both of these pictures were taken at almost the same time, only a day apart.

Barns under a clear sky
Above is the farm weather on Saturday...sunny, clear, beautiful.

Barns under 
And this is it Sunday...gray, overcast, misty and colder.


I started the day with these work boots but as you can see, the ground was muddy, mucky, squishy and just a total mess.  While these particular boots are water resistant, that didn't mean water PROOF...don't ask me how I know... I switched to my rubber boots.  I swear these things are like miracle footwear.  If ever there was a full on requirement for having a property, it would be a pair of these.  Even squished a couple of inches into the mud and water, my socks were clean and bone dry when I took the boots off.  It's so nice to just splash around in the water as you walk around and not worry about it.

Got a few things done...though not as much outside.  Just too messy.  I did get the beehives painted, located the area where they will go and set up the landscape timbers, and did a few inside projects as well.  More on all that in upcoming posts.  

So we kind of cut the weekend short and headed out.  As we left to come back into town, 2nd Family brought us...

Farm eggs
...a dozen fresh eggs, all laid in the last few days!  In fact, four of them were laid just this morning!  We always love the blue/green color.  

Gonna be some good eats this week!

Hope you had a good weekend, I'll catch up on comments later tonight!


  1. We have a muddy, mucky swamp of a yard.It is like quick mud. Sooo gross. (True story to follow) My dogs woke me up at 4 am to take them out and I quickly tossed boots (snow boots because they were near the door). I am half asleep and my dog Frazzle shoots out the door like horse from the starting gate. He saw a rabbit and I basically skied the back yard while he gave chase. I surprisingly managed to stay upright but my boots were caked in stinky mud and who knows what else...ick!! . So, yeah, that was fun....

    1. Oh my gush, I hate to laugh but that is funny. Yeah, the muck is gross because it's so squishy and nasty, ha. . Stay clean, ha!!

  2. I managed to get outside too today! It was cloudy but it did not rain a drop today. Yep it was squish squish squish. For sure muck boots are a must for every farmer!

    1. Much boots are a lifesaver (or foot/sock saver, ha). Glad you got out. Today was just wet and cold and generally yucky. But at least I got the painting done case we have a few more weekends of this.

  3. Even though I have a yard and not a "property," for me having chickens in a pen required rubber boots. I don't think pigs could dig up a place worse. Well, they dug the pen to a nice fine texture and the rain leaves it nasty, wet, and deep. The muck is disgusting. Before I come up the steps, I step in the wagon of rainwater or a bucket to rinse them off.

    1. I should have said yard...I meant just having property of any type, large, small, it's a necessity. I like your idea of a bucket or wagon of rainwater/water. I hosed mine off with the water hose today, ha.

  4. Wow. Very, very different.
    Love your boots, and the eggs.
    Photos of the painted bee hives? Please? Pretty please?

    1. Hello!! Yep, it was two completely different days...crazy weather we have. Thanks for the nice words. Yes, hive pictures coming (have one more small part to paint, a trim) but I will have a whole post on how to paint a beehive. ;-)

  5. Nothing better than farm fresh eggs; or anything that is home grown as far as that goes.
    Now, as for them boots. They get wet and next thing you know your socks are wet. Now, they do sell some heavy duty Scotch Guard Water Repellent Spray made for Outdoor Fabrics; back packs, tents, canvas and leather boots, clothing, gloves, tarps, boat covers, hunters clothing, umbrellas; etc. You get the idea.
    Absolutely love this beautiful weather we're having. It's 12:15AM and it's 58 deg.

    1. Farm fresh eggs are likee garden grown tomatoes compared to store bought, ha.

      Wet socks are yucky...I didn't know they had a water repellent spray, I'll have to look into that.

      Oh my isn't the weather amazing? It's like Fall, ha.

  6. rubber boots are called wellies (wellingtons) over here and just about every household has a pair of wellies they are just part of the norm, you can get them in some fantastic colours and covered in all kinds of designs, for me they are just daily wear :-)

    1. I've heard them called Wellies and never knew why. Cool! I didn't know about the variety, I wouldn't mind a bright red pair, ha. .

  7. Just remember that even rubber boots have one hole each....don't get in too deep.

    1. LOL! Wise words of wisdom, I like that, thank you. :-)

  8. Yup, buying new wellies next weekend, it was more galvanised tubs and some new shovels this weekend. We've had some lovely temps (finally) so garden prep is in order; but we did get some fun pictures taken as well.

    1. I'm going off to google 'wellies' and see where they sell them here in the states. Glad your weather is cooperating. Enjoy it!!!

  9. Ah, fresh farm eggs. Yea, my son would love 'em. But, you gotta try this recipe by Lidia. It uses only 3 of those gems and just a little bacon. Enjoy!! M

    1. Oh my, you had me at 'bacon', HA. We love Lidia and this looks super delicious. Thanks for sharing the link!! We'll make some soon and I'll blog about it. :-)


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