
Tuesday, March 10, 2015



Check out these radar captures from the last few days.  It was raining at 11:30pm on 3/7...then still raining at 8:35am in the morning of the 8th...

ALL DAY breaks in the morning, it was still coming down at 11:05am and again at 3:58pm.  It was getting to be the same old same old...

Then when a loud clap of thunder woke us up at 1:10am, I checked the radar and yep, still raining on the 9th.  When we woke up to head to work yesterday morning at 8:05am it was pouring...


At 11:47am, almost noon, still coming down in buckets...

Finally, by 8:21pm last night, it was starting to lighten up.

This is one of our semi-epic rain storms.  It's what makes gardening a unique experience here.  Our part of the state is in a semi-tropical climate which gives us high humidity in the Summer and cold, damp Winters (we still get freezes and occasional ice).  Unfortunately, when conditions are just right, moisture coming in from the Gulf of Mexico, it also gives us periods of monsoon type rain...lots and lots of rain.  Here for example, it has rained for 3 days straight.

Yet another weekend of nothing getting done outside, sigh. 

Flooded side yard
2nd Family sent us these photos today to let us know how the rain was coming down out there.  Above is their yard, under their party tree, off the side porch.  You can see out into the yard, water was about 6" deep.

Below is from their front porch, looking toward our shared driveway...yep, top left of the picture, that wet strip veering out of the photo is the driveway leading up to our house.
Flooded front yard
Thankfully, we are at the high end of the property and so there is no flooding risk to the house itself.  We do however get a lot of standing water around the yard but the topography makes it run off.  It runs from our property, down the driveway to their yard, then on out the driveway and their yard into the road and down the hill into a ravine/gully of sorts.  

Final tally out there: 5 1/2" of rain...and about 4" in town. And believe it or not, this is a lot of rain, but not the worst we can get.  10" is not uncommon at one time, at least once a season.  

Long story short, we couldn't get to our farmhouse yesterday if we wanted to.  Someday, when we are there full time during times like this, we could be stuck at home for days, not able to leave the property until things dry up.  Yet another reason to prep the house fully for extended stays. 


  1. wow..when i said i thought you were going to get rain i didn't know it would be this much! we have some moving in here shortly.

    1. It's just a usual weekend/few days for us, ha. It's just like a blizzard, only pre-melted.

  2. Yep, it’s been a rainy few days. I also got about 4 inches. The farmers around here are happy because it built up the soil moisture - they’ll be planting as soon as it dries up a bit.
    It’s supposed to be warm this weekend, so I’m planning on planting my vegetable garden and some flowers. Spring is right around the corner - yay!

    1. I saw about 3-6 inches was common so 4 for us sounds about right. I'm so grateful for it (after the drought of 2011/2012) but it would be nice in smaller increments, ha.

  3. THAT is a lot of rain! and yes, being fully stocked at the farm with everything you need during times like this - just makes sense. jam and i went a month and half this winter without leaving the property because the driveway was covered in ice! we didn't mind - it's actually kind of fun being iced in, or in your case, rained in! it makes for some nice, lazy days of just working around the house, napping, reading, eating, etc.

    i read your last post and your shelves look beautiful! much love to you both! your friend,

    1. Hi ya! Yep, we were just talking about that. As long as we have the food stocked, and things like personal necessities, we'll be good. We'd never be stranded for a month, but I think that wouldn't be such a bad thing, ha. I like how y'all think too...napping, eating....on yeah and reading and working around the house, ha.

      Much love as always to you!

  4. 1st Man,
    We had the rain yesterday, all day. It was actually nice to have the property watered, we needed rain up here because of our drought problems out west. Your grass and tree's look nice with all the water.
    Today, it's beautiful out and will be in the low 60's.

    1. Yes, it's going to be beautiful here. Hope winter is more or less over. Not looking forward to heat of summer but just need some time on the weekends to get stuff done, ha.

  5. Some world-wide weather moderation would be nice. We very, very rarely get enough rain. And every now and then get buckets of the stuff - naturally at the wrong time.
    I do love the smell of rain-washed ground though.
    I hope you get a little less of the precious stuff this week.

    1. That would be great...moderation is good in any thing, ha. Hope y'all get some rain when you need it. I love the smell of rain and then the wet ground is great too. :-)

  6. Could you send us just al little please?

  7. When I first moved to Houston, it rained for nearly three weeks. I thought I would die as it doesn't rain much in SW OK. But, it has been such a rainy winter in SE OK and it is a mud bog on my farm. Wish it would come when we need it most. Think rain barrels for summers and I guess just stay inside all winter.

    1. LOL! Rain barrels are on my list, that just gets longer, ha. The farm is a mudbug too...the ground just gets so saturated. Our winter here has been rainier than normal too. Or at least feels that way. And you lived here, you understand all too well about the monsoons we get, ha.

  8. The thing about being not being able to get out because of weather is that everything you MUST do Is harder. The hens still need caring for, but it is just icier, muddier when you must care for them. Their tarp was leaking, so instead of just rain, I got rivers on my head and down the back of my neck.

    The rain has been streaming from you to me. Strangely, there is a huge strip of dry between two streams of precipitation. So, surprisingly, I am occasionally getting a bit of rain. Right now, I like my weather map sent from your way.

    1. Ha, it does come and go and come and go huh? And we don't get the ice, just the rain. Stay dry!

  9. Oh, I just keep thinking about all that wasted water. Just think how quickly a big tank would be filled with such a downpour. I love rainy days but I think I would go stir crazy with such an extended confinement.

    1. Oh, don't I know. I so want barrels or tanks of some sort. Not sure about in ground tanks (yet anyway) but we have the perfect spot on the back of the house for a downspout on a gutter and filling a large tank that will fit right there perfectly. It does get you down when it lasts for so long.

  10. That's a lot of rain! It's supposed to rain here all week and I'm thinking about building an ark... ;-)

    1. LOL! While this wasn't ark building time, trust me when I say, we've had our fair share of ark rain, haha!!!

  11. We had rain Sunday and all day on Monday and was pretty decent outside yesterday except for the standing water puddles and mud.
    Our yard is really going to be mowed once the yard dries some.

    1. The yard is SO going to be growing now huh? I like the rain and am grateful for it, but a week or two of sun will be nice.

  12. Looks like just another Florida shower :-)
    Hope nothing was damaged.

    1. Ha, while I've never lived in Florida, I have friends there and I've heard them say the rains are crazy too.

      no damage, thanks for asking, just muddy driveways and squishy ground. :-)


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