
Sunday, April 5, 2015


Sorry for the lack of update last night, they didn't get done until late and I wasn't around the computer in time.  

So here is a tease of yesterday's events...  

Clearing brush
Things were crazy busy upon arrival at the farm.  The gate was graciously opened early morning by 2nd Family and the guys showed up early as well and started working right away.

Clearing trees
By mid day it was a mess of branches, limbs and vines, but that means there was a lot of progress!

Burn pile
At the end of the day we had this...a rather large burn pile.  As this posts today, the it should be burning (barring rain of course).

Final pictures later in another post.  It looks amazing!  So much new space, our minds are racing at what to do with it all.  


  1. happy easter! can't wait to see when it is cleared!

    1. Thank you! Post coming Monday! And happy easter to you1

  2. Looking good. The ashes scattered thinly are also good for the garden and the grass.

    Happy Easter.

    1. Oh yes, thank you for that, I forgot. We had rain Sunday, fairly heavy, so no burn yet, maybe this weekend. Happy easter to you!!

  3. A good job well done. Happy Easter.

  4. Wow, what a difference a day (and some heavy equipment!) makes! Awesome!
    Happy Easter!

    1. it's so exciting! Thanks!! And happy Easter as well!!

  5. Looking good, really good. Sure made a world of difference already.
    Hey, you provide the bon fire and I'll provide the hot dogs and marshmallows and we can all get together and have a hot dog and marshmallow roast. Oh, gotta have Smores as well. :}
    Can't wait to see once it's all cleared.
    Too bad you didn't have a fire pit set up and use up some of that wood for your pit.

    1. LOL! I would love to have that. (the fire pit AND the food!) It's SO much more space, it's crazy. Unfortunately we had rain all day Sunday so I didn't get to enjoy it and now it's going to be mud, ha.

  6. An excellent job. And a very Happy Easter.

  7. More zen for your zen machine now, once the grass grows back.

    1. Ain't that the truth! It's muddy now but soon, grass!

  8. Wow! A lot of work and well done! Happy Easter!

  9. Looking good!
    More lovely space. Look forward to lasts pics & see what you do with the area.

    Happy Easter!

    1. We can always use more space....I think, ha. Happy day to you as well!!!

  10. This is great! I'll bet you are so excited! When do you think you will move to the farm full-time, if I may ask?

    1. Very excited!!! No, we don't mind you asking at all. It's still probably two to three years away. But we are out there more often now that in the past, almost every weekend (if it's a monsoon rainstorm, we stay in town, just so we don't get stranded out there and still have to be at work on Monday's, ha). But yeah, probably still about 3 years away.

    2. I don't know how you can stand it. I wouldn't be able to pull myself away from my farm once I have it. I mean I would never leave...folks that want to see me would have to come to my farm. :-) I SO love your farm...I'm so happy for you...and just a wee bit jealous. I want a farm so bad I can taste it. I so have outgrown my backyard...not enough room to plant all the things I want to grow....and I fight with my chickens for space every day LOL.

  11. 1st Man,

    Don't you feel wonderful now that the tree and bushes are all gone. Talk about a job and a half, it's a lot of work. I'm glad you hired someone to tackle it for you. Be careful burning!!!
    How about making an outdoor kitchen in this place?

    1. OH, you have no idea. I can't wait to mow the area.

      The burn pile makes me nervous but we'll see. 2nd Family who has lots of experience with big burn piles, is going to help.

      Outdoor kitchen is not a bad idea. I will add that to the list!

  12. Can't wait to see the finishing results. Did you know you had a lean-to in that mess?


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