
Monday, April 6, 2015


So Saturday was a fun day.  We decided to bite the bullet and hire out some work.  It doesn't come cheap, but man, was it ever worth every single penny.  They showed up Saturday morning at about 8am and stayed until 6pm.

Here are some before and after photos of the first part that was done.


Looking from the side yard toward the back. The brush and trees were almost touching the house.  It was nothing but vines with thorns, some mesquite trees with thorns, and other brush and trees, dead and fallen over.  


The same area.  So much space!


This is looking toward the area behind the house, you can see how big a footprint it actually took up, not mention how wild and crazy it was!


I swear it looks like we moved the house 30 feet further away from the fence.  The back yard is HUGE now.  


This is a closeup view of the jungle of vines and mesquite.


Taken from the same angle.  We now have a huge amount of space to work with.  They ground out the stumps, and cleared out all of the debris so it's all gone.  Of course, it is also all dirt and, after Sunday's rain, mud, but 2nd Family's "R" is going to get the tractor and a grading attachment and smooth it out for us.  I was thinking of throwing out some grass seed and at least let it get a head start on turning back into a yard.  

But now we've got space to plan something new.  For awhile, it might just stay a yard, and I'll keep the zen machine mowing over it, but something will have to go here.  Definitely would like some things along the back fence, bushes, small trees, something we can manage. 

Of course my first thought was pool, and while I was joking, 2nd Man definitely nixed that idea.  After all, a pool in the country that we're not at full time would really just become a snake pit and/or duck pond, LOL.  Seriously though, we do have more fruit trees to plant, and the muscadine grapes need some place to grow...decisions decisions!  More stuff to plan!

The best part of all?  The views out the bedroom windows have certainly improved!

OH, and as I mentioned earlier?  This isn't the ONLY area we had cleared!  
More on that tomorrow!


  1. It's looking good.

  2. Wow, what a difference! I like that you kept that one nice, big tree - it looks pretty standing alone next to the fence line. Looking forward to seeing what you folks do with your newly claimed space!

    1. He asked us if we wanted to keep it, as he said "it's your property!" and we said yes. It's in great shape and they trimmed it up to help it fill out. It will be a nice tree in that spot.

  3. Good work. Sometimes its best to get people in as what takes a professional a day can take anyone else a week.
    What about a swimming pond? They always look great.

    1. Oh, definitely, could have been a few weeks for me, ha. Hmm, a swimming pond, not a bad idea, though we might end up kind of snakey, ha.

  4. Wow! Couldn't see the forest for the trees. That definitely is a good problem to have.

    1. LOL! I like that description! Wait until you see Tuesday's post, ha.

  5. Nothing wrong with hiring some help! We do it too on occasion.

    1. In a way, at first anyway, I felt like it might be cheating, but there was really NO way we could have done that ourselves. Not only did we not have the right tools/machines, it could have been dangerous, ha. Glad to know we're not alone. :-)

  6. Well worth the money - and now you have a clear canvas to plan on. Looking forward to watching your changes happen

    1. Absolutely worth it. It will be slow but sure, ha.

  7. If not a pool on the farm, then how about a pond? Stock it with fish & fry up a delicious catch of the day.

    1. We actually have a nature pond site on the property, that will be another adventure some day. I love the idea of fresh fish though!!

  8. That is an amazing transformation! So many possibilities for that new space! And the view is indeed much better - so much nicer to look at grazing cows and horses than a brush pile with hidden varmits!

    I guess I watch too much HGTV - but I have seen where they take out a window in the master and put in a French door which leads to a patio. Nice place to enjoy morning coffee.

    1. Yes, we can see the cows behind us now, out the bedroom windows.

      Hey, we watch HGTV too much too, ha. There are only two windows in the bedroom (both bedrooms only have two) and one in each has the window unit and the other is small window, probably not enough room to make it into a set of doors. Though....we could have ONE door, ha. But for now anyway, we'll just have to content with a window, ha. Waking up though and looking out at that view is not a bad thing.

  9. a wild flower medow would be lovely for your bees, great bit of work done there :-)

  10. Definitely a big big difference. Do you have a door on that side of the house? I assume on the other side of the fence is pasture land? Is that yours or 2nd family's? Will you be planting screening hedges?

    1. No door on that side and not much room to put one (small house, only 950 square feet). Yes the other side is 300+ acres owned by someone else (though they are related by former marriage to 2nd Family). They keep cattle grazing on it so we get to enjoy the view. But yes, I think some hedges or trees or wind breaks of some sort are going to be necessary, sooner rather than later.

  11. That's a much improved view, very very pretty! Ha, my first thought was 'pool' but you're right, don't ever do anything in ground for sure out in the country if you aren't there to manage it full time. A neighbor of ours had one and there were snakes, frogs and all manner of things that kept getting in there.

    Very nice, I like the idea of some grape vines/arbors

    1. Yeah, I've heard that about in ground country pools. Grapevines keep popping to mind...we'll see. Thank you!

  12. A galvanized stock tank pond would be nice!

    1. Ha, I think posted about that once upon a time. I need to go back and look at that.

  13. 1st Man,

    I would nix a pool too. My mom lives out in the country and was determined to have a pool built into the ground. Now she has all kinds of wildlife enjoying the pool. Snakes, rabbits, bobcat, skunks, and coyotes. Did I say SNAKES!!!! Plenty to scoop out of the pool. You may be better off with a jacuzzi with a top you can put on when not using. Just a thought!!!

    1. YIKES!!!! Hey, you bring up a great idea. a hot tub would be nice!!! Maybe once of those wood fired kinds.

      I'm just thinking about a pool with creatures swimming and slithering around, gives me shivers, ha.

  14. the first thing i thought of was an orchard. what a perfect place for one!

    1. I've got several more fruit trees just ready and waiting for a home. We'll see...

  15. Oh wow. What a huge difference. Was there a bird's nest in the branches cleared away or was it debri?

    1. I had to go back and look at the pic, is it the dark clump you see near the top of one of the trees? Definitely not a bird nest, it was a clump of dried up mistletoe (lots of trees on our property have it). This is a neat thing about the guy and his crew that came, they take these long poles and poke around in the brush to make any animals leave. They also checked all the trees for nests.

      One of the guys found a small snake (harmless grass snake) and scooped it up and let it go elsewhere. ;-)

  16. Looks fantastic. Take your time and enjoy the openness before you begin planting. The right plan will come in time.

    1. You know that's true. I have a bad habit of wanting to do it all now. I've always said this is a long, multistage process and you're right, we do need to step back and let it naturally evolve, ha.

  17. Did I, or did I not, read something about a "redneck pool" in one of your blogs? Only joking, I was thinking may a chook house off to the side with the chook run taking up that cleared space. That way you would still have your cleared view but with the benefit of farm animals to watch. Perhaps something for when you're at the farm more often.

    1. I think you most certainly did. I will have to go back and check, ha. That is a great idea to think about. We had thought about them eventually being behind the barns but this is a pretty big space too.

  18. What a difference!! Looks so much better and I look forward to seeing what you'll do with all that space.

    1. Thank you, it does look amazing (to us) in person. SO much more space. Stay tuned Tuesday!!

  19. Amazing, money well spent.
    One off the list & another on.......what to do with the area!

    1. Definitely money well spent. I do need to scratch that off the list! Thanks for the reminder!

  20. As I was reading the post I was like mini orchard, grapes and raspberries. Great minds think alike! Isn't it wonderful to have the space to make fun decisions? Can't wait to see what you decide!

    1. I see mini orchard, grapes as recurring ideas from other too. I know, it's so wild to have space and not know WHAT to do with it, ha.

  21. No more jungle. The crew you hired done an Amazing job. One big project marked off your list.
    You now have a whole, new, wonderful slate to work with.

  22. Wow - that was quite a clean up. Pity you couldn't get rid of the confusion at the base and save the trees - shade is always good in the heat of summer, and adds a bit of depth to a view ;)

  23. More sunshine should help keep the moss from growing on the siding too.

  24. What an Awesome looking area you have now. Wide open space and so much easier for the neighbor's cows to see you now :}

  25. Having that junk cleared out should help with the bugs and vermin problems too.


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