
Thursday, April 16, 2015


Photo courtesy of
While we don't have a footpath like this yet, we love both the idea of it (we have a quickcrete cobblestone path maker, for future use) and we love the flowers around it. Would be so nice to walk on, especially with bare feet!

Not sure what these are, they look like alyssum but I'm not positive.  Still, the bench, the path, the flowers...nice to wander around and stop to sit for a moment or two.  I bet the bees would love it as well, ha.

Be inspired!


  1. i love this look! i have tried to get this to happen here but all i get to grow are weeds.

  2. Beautiful setting.
    I do believe that is Sweet alyssum which also comes in different colors I love the dainty white flowers. It's like a snow white carpet of snow.
    I just planted white alyssum seed along with moss rose seed the other day around the base of our windmills in my rose and daylily bed.

  3. That looks like allysium to me, too. I think I spelled it wrong. That look, even with green between the rocks is one of my favorite looks that I would love to duplicate.

    Bees and bare feet don't mix. But, I would take my chances!

    Your little farm will be a showplace once you integrate all the lovely looks you post.

  4. It does indeed look like alyssum. And also looks wonderful.
    I would like to plant scented leaves to walk on too.
    Your farm is going to be a showplace by and by. A place where other people find their inspirations.

  5. I like that look too. I've been trying to get the creeping thyme to fill in the pathways of my perennial garden. Slow process but well worth it.

  6. I think that is a variety of creeping thyme in flower. The creeping ground covers are beautiful in between the stones.


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