
Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Not for us, we're not quite ready for that.  Bees yes, but chickens, not quite yet.  Recently however, 2nd Family got some new chicks.  Of course, with the rainy weekends, we weren't able to see them until now and they are not so much "chicks' anymore, ha.  Tween chicks?  Twicks?  LOL!

Anyway, one of "R's" coworkers decided to get some now that they live in the country.  They thought a couple dozen would be a good start.  "R" promptly reminded them, "um, you DO know that means you'll be getting a couple dozen eggs per DAY, right?".  Apparently they hadn't thought that far ahead! 

Seeing as how 2nd Family's girls are getting older, they decided to take a few off their hands.  A random assortment of six, mostly the same.

One of the six however is this adorable girl.  A black "Silkie".  Oh my gosh, it's the softest, fuzziest thing.  The feathers almost seem like fur. 

Black Silkie
And the neatest thing is the feet.  The feathers go all the way down and fluff up around the claws.  It looks like the Clydesdale horse version of a chicken, ha.  Tried to get a good picture but this was the best I could get in a coop full of excitable chickens.  We can't wait to watch her grow up.


  1. when i read the post titly i thought, wow, these guys are getting really ambitious! they sure are cute!

  2. Here is a tip 1st man. I've had every fowl known to man over the last 30 years and turkeys are my favorite ones. Now, the tip, if you cuddle and hold your baby chicks when you get them, they will be pets; fly up on your shoulder and follow you around like puppies.

    1. Thank you much for that info!! We want them so bad but we'll have to wait until we are at the farm more often. I don't think they can stay by themselves for a week at ta time, ha. I will remember that, because I'd LOVE to have them like that.

  3. Those baby chicks are such little cutie-pies! Will any of them be a variety that lays colored eggs?
    When I was a kid, I loved spring-time at the feed store when they got in the baby chicks and ducklings - I would just stand there and watch them play. And their little cheeping sounds - goes straight to the heart!

    1. I don't know if they are that type? I will have to ask. The ones they have now have the blue green eggs and I just love those. And yes, the chirping sound is amazingly sweet isn't it?

  4. Silkies are beautiful but, in my experience a pain to have. Poop sticks to fluffy feathers. The Silky I had was a nervous lot and sometimes lost their feathers several time more often than molting. Pretty but strange and nervous birds.

    In all my years of chickendom, my favorites were Black Australorpes. A very calm bird, large, good meat, excellent year round layers and do well in a pen. Wonderful large brown eggs.

    Here is a link.

    1. I will pass that along to them, thank you of that info. You are awesome! When we get our own, I will definitely remember these words, ha. Off to look up the Australorp! :-)

  5. Baby chicks are just the best! The Banties we got have the feathered feet as well, so cute!

    1. I bet yours are getting bigger by the day! And I Keeper is keeping an eye on them, right? ;-)

  6. 12 chickens would have been a lot for a first time venture. The Silkie is a beauty.

    1. They actually had 24 to start with, ha. That's when I think they realized two dozen eggs a day might be a bit much ha. I think someday when we have them, we'll start with 3 or 4. ;-)

  7. This is the first year that i have NOT had any chicks......( sad pface)

    1. Aww, we need to send out to the Universe to send you some chicks! I'll work on that. ;-)

  8. I was visiting a cousin in a rural area of Arizona recently and they wanted me to stop by Tractor Supply & get them 4 bantams, 2 black & 2 white. When I got there, they had ducks, pullets and, of course, bantams. They would only let me buy 6 bantams and there were 3 left. I tried to convince them to give me the last 3 at a good price so they wouldn't be left but they wouldn't budge. I so enjoyed the cheep cheep all the way to their place, missed it on the way home. Can't tell whether they are hens or roosters though til they grow up. We shall see.

    1. Isn't that sound just divine? When I was in a feed store recently they had the round galvanized metal touch and they were jus chirping away. It was all I could not to pick them all up and smooch them, ha.

  9. I have a Black Silkie called Gizmo he lives in his own bachelor pad, since her lost his white silkie friend Fern, he wouldnt go into the hen house with the girls, he is now 6 years old and lives in his own place that is inside the chook run but much prefers his own company :-)


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