
Saturday, May 2, 2015


William Longgood bee quote
Last year, I used a bee photo that I took and put a nice quote with it, you can see that result HERE.

I did it again but guess what this is?  It's one of our girls!  Last year when I took the other bee picture, it was a random bee from somewhere else.  This lady was on a bloom right near the hives so she's one of ours.  

How fun to think that now the bees on our farm doing their thing are bees that we are raising.  

Isn't she beeutiful?  


  1. Bee-utiful picture and great quote

  2. We need more bees every where. I think few know the importance of them.

    Great photo.

  3. What a gorgeous picture of YOUR bee on YOUR flowers! Isn't it great to be a part of such a wonderful process?! Looks like your bee family is loving their new home.

  4. She is indeed bee-utiful. And I envy you the photo of her too. My b shots are almost always fails.

  5. It's moments like this that make life spectacular...spin in a circle, glad you're alive and laughing for the joy of it all. Your farm, your camera, your bee and all your hard work coalesce to this moment in time and you have a permanent record of it! And we get to be a part of your journey, which is fun and touching and sad and happy and an ADVENTURE! Thank you! (I find it strange that I get this excited about things at the farm, but I do!)

  6. I love it! My girls have been busy coming and going but I have yet to see one on any of our flowers. I have wild roses blooming galore and the Dutch clover is coming on, but nary a bee! I can't figure out where they're going. I so want some pictures of our very own.


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