
Monday, May 4, 2015


A few weeks ago, I started on the flower beds around the house.  The first one I built was the corner of the house, between the two stairs.  

CLICK HERE to see the beginnings of it.

This weekend, I went to the garden center and picked up a flat of marigolds, two yellow coreopsis, and we still had a Texas sage in town that we bought on clearance last Fall.  I laid them all out to figure out where they looked best.

Then I added some good soil, tilled it into the existing ground, planted the flowers, and then topped it all off with black mulch.  

Landscape timber flower bed
So that's one step toward getiing some color in the yard...

Corner flower bed
...and we also think it makes the house look a bit more 'finished'.  Or as "J" from 2nd Family said, it doesn't look as lonely, ha.  We're going to continue it down one side and along the entire front.  The next segment I will work on will be the front on the other side of the stairs, just so you can see it as you walk in.



  1. this looks great. i can't wait to see it when it fills in. hey...we are hotter than you! i am not liking this one bit!

    1. Thank you!! Hotter than us? Really? Dang!!! Stay cool!!

  2. Wow, what a difference some colorful flowers makes! Looking good! And those are all pretty "bullet-proof" for our area's summers.

    1. I agree with "J" when she said it looked lonely. It does look great, so far anyway. thanks!!

  3. That looks Super and great choices you made for that corner. Will be more outstanding once the plants start to take off and fill in.

    Thing to remember when putting in new plants:
    The first year they sleep
    The 2nd year they creep
    and the 3rd year - they leap.

  4. such a professional looking job you did, looks great!!!

    1. Thank you, that's very kind of you. I just put it all together and hoped it would come out, ha. I think it looks pretty good.

  5. Looks really good and definitely gives that 'finished' appearance.

    1. That's what we're hoping for, something a bit more finished for us to relax and enjoy the beauty, hopefully. :-)

  6. It is looking good. And will only get better. Yay.

    1. Kind of excited to be starting this aspect of things this year.

  7. I love the wood, it gives the flower bed a very tidy look-enjoy:@)

    1. thank you, I liked the tidy look too, glad you picked up on that. Hope to keep it that way, ha.

  8. Looks great. You must remember what you plant you also have to weed.

    You would be appalled at my random planting with rocks every where! I have to put rocks around my plants or they "commit suicide" as my hubby says by jumping under the lawn mower.

    1. Definitely will remember that (I see it all the time in the garden, ha). Death by mower huh? Been there, done that, ha.

  9. It looks very neat and finished. Marigolds provide a natural pesticide since they contain thiopene in their roots and leaves. There are both French and Mexican cultivars. The Mexican cultivar is the strongest, but both cultivar can leave a residual effect for multiple seasons. I am always amazed how full my marigolds are by the end of season (zone 6). I can only imagine how quickly they will establish in your climate.

    1. Aren't marigolds so nice? We love the smell (though I know many do not). I swear, it takes me right back to the past......use to smell them at my Grandmothers house and whenever I smell them now, it takes me back. Fingers crossed! Thanks!

  10. 1st Man,

    You did a great job on your corner bed, love the selection of plants/flowers. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of the other beds when you're finished with them.

    1. Will definitely share. It's so rewarding when it's done to see it. Getting there is a bit of work, ha. Thank you!!!


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