
Saturday, May 9, 2015


Two main goals is to get this burn pile burned now that it has had time to dry out.  No worries on location, it's an optical illusion/camera angle and is not near the barns or the trees, ha.  Not sure it will all burn up in the first try but we'll see.

And I want to get this fence line and corner cleaned up because it's starting to merge into the yard and become one, LOL.  Of course mow again as well.  Our forecast is for potential flooding rains ALL of next week, which means next weekend might be mud and water again...heavy sigh.


  1. Bring on the Hot Dogs :}
    That is quite the pile to be burning. Be sure to have a garden hose handy
    Yes, rain in the forecast for today, tomorrow and the rest of next week and of course severe storms to go along with.
    Do be careful and best have fire department on speed dial just in case

    1. Ha, not sure about what things are burning in there that I might not want in my hot dog, HA! Definitely had the hose handy, I like to go around it in a ring and soak the ground around it.

  2. I am so coveting your barns! I need to get some. I'm trying to decide where to put them, though.

    1. Aw, thanks for that. There is so much of your place that I covet as well, ha.

  3. I hope the winds are calm before your storms so it stays safe to burn all that. It'll take quite a while to burn down. Enjoy your zen time!.

    1. It was nice and calm (upcoming post will have the details). It did take awhile and it's not all gone. ;-)

  4. Sounds like a very busy weekend!
    Your burn pile is pretty big - hope you have enough marshmallows!

    1. I got a lot done, more in upcoming posts. It was big for sure. And some is still there, ha.

  5. A very, very busy weekend. Make sure you have some time for fun as well.

    1. Definitely had some fun time. And it was busy. But it's always good to have those fun times though of sure.

  6. 1st Man,

    I hope you don't get all this severe weather we had. Be safe, and enjoy your burn pile.

    1. It's creeping ever so closer to here. Tomorrow may be crazy, but we'll see.

  7. nothing like a good bonfire! please send some rain my way. we are dead dry. i water constantly and the ground is so hard it just runs off. and that is in my planters! this is the most horrible spring weather i can ever remember.

    1. I'll tell the rain to make an appearance. It think most people in Texas after the last few days, would gladly forward some your direction, ha. You've had an unusually dry start to Spring huh?

  8. Mowing is the eternal job! Kinda like dishes, as soon as the job is done it's time to do it again. :)

    1. AMEN! But thankfully I love doing it, though about August or so, I'm kind of getting over it but then the first cool front puts me back in the mood, ha.

  9. I miss living in the country but I have to say there are days I appreciate a yard that can be cleaned up in an hour. I envy you two though living the life I hope to when I retire.

    1. I totally understand. There is something to be said for a yard that's done in an hour for sure. Thank you for the kind words!!


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