
Wednesday, May 27, 2015


162,000,000,000 gallons of water...

That is how much water fell from the sky in just a few hours.  
Yep, that's 162 BILLION gallons...isn't nature amazing?  Now if we could just get that spread around to the places that need it.

Click HERE to read a fascinating article from our local paper about Monday's historic flooding and just how everything converged to form the perfect storm.

Just a quick post today because last night we came home from work, watched the days news coverage and crashed.  Were up the night before during the storms until 3:00AM and then got up at 6:00AM to see what had happened in the light of day.  Busy day for me at work, lot of customers calling in with claims.  As my good friend "R" said yesterday (he works at another office) "that's what we signed up for".   True, so very true.

Thank you to all who have written either directly or commented in posts, to check on us.  We are fine.  Rattled, but fine.  I will catch up on comments and replies tonight.  Thank you all for the well wishes!

Updated the link to the article (thanks Texas Rose!)



  1. i have the weather channel on a lot and i have constantly been thinking of you guys. it is crazy how much rain you've had. we finally got a bit last night and i don't have to water today...woohoo!!! stay safe!

    1. Thank you, we've survived, though I feel like we need gills at this point. I think for the year, we are like 2 FEET ahead in rainfall. Glad you got some!!!

  2. we have been watching the weather in your area, it has even made our news way up here!

    1. I often wonder how much news here makes it elsewhere. Of course, for such a major city (we are the 4th largest) it's a pretty widespread disaster.

  3. Couldn't read that article without subscribing to the newspaper. Bummer. At least NYTimes gives you 5 free reads first.

    1. Here's the link from the Houston Chronicle facebook page to that article - it works:

    2. Chronicle (or Chron as it is also called) does that from time to time. Thank you Texas Rose for finding a free link.

  4. According to the Houston Chronicle facebook page -, there have been 6 deaths from the Houston flood. Hearts and prayers go out to all affected.
    So glad that you and 2nd Man are safe.

    1. So of them was just a mile down the road from us (the young father getting home from work). Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for our city!

  5. So glad y'all are unscathed.

  6. Is this crazy or what! I know Houston is a mess, Dh's family lives down there. Some got flooded. Some didn't. We are hanging tight up here. Just sloshing our way around but we are not flooded like you guys are where we live! We have had some minor storm damage and flooding 17 miles of us but over all we are super lucky! Hang tight and don't leave home without your muck boots! :O)...

    1. This whole season has just been surreal....I really don't remember in all my years here (most of my life) this wet of a Spring. We've had heavy floods but always associated with tropical storms or hurricane's, rarely just constant rain. And it's been unrelenting. Woke up this morning to pouring rain, though the afternoon was nice. Now they say more rain this weekend.

      Sigh. You hang in there too, I know y'all have been hit with this bad stuff too.

  7. 1st Man,

    We've built an Ark, and were floating down your out your window!!!
    Glad to hear y'all are safe.

    1. Ha, I KNOW y'all have had enough of this. Crazy season for us all, huh? You stay safe too!!!

  8. So glad that you are safe. And my heart goes out to those who lost family members and/or homes.

    1. Thank you, yes, so tragic in our state right now.

  9. Glad you are both ok. You will certainly be kept busy in your job!

    1. Oh, you know it. B-U-S-Y is not even the word, ha.

  10. 1st,
    Just finished reading your latest 2 post, jeez what a ride that must have been for your guys. Glad to hear you all are on high ground in town. Hope the news from Little Farm is good. – G

    1. thank you, yep, it's been a rollercoaster in more ways than one, ha. Thank you much and the farm is good, albeit muddy and lots of standing water, but oh well, it's better than the alternative and we're so grateful. Our thoughts to our fellow Texans who have lost so much.

  11. I've been thinking about you two during this terrible time. Glad to hear your both OK and not much damage to the farm you both have worked so hard at

    Stay Safe


  12. Kate

  13. So good to hear that you are safe and I pray that you remain so. It is such a heartbreaking and scary time for all who are in this extreme flooding. We also have family that live outside of Houston, and thankfully, so far, they are safe. Do take care, blessings, Kathleen


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