
Sunday, June 28, 2015


 I beat the rain!  Below is the radar image from last night after a few hours of rain at the farm.  The rain started about 2 hours after I left for the day.  

Side note, having smart phones so we can watch live, real time weather radar is a pretty amazing thing...

I woke up and got to the farm by 7:45am.  It was damp from morning dew but I went ahead and started so I could beat the rain.  I mowed the driveway first so I could get the car out if it was raining hard.

Then I mowed the front and back yard.  I set the mower to mow very short.  Until the weekly monsoon rains level off, we want it to be short so that if we have to wait a couple (or three) weeks to mow, it won't be very bad. 

Lots of space to mow, but I was in the zone, and enjoying my four wheeled adventure as the Friday night fortune suggested, ha. Had to leave the cut grass down, though our mower has an extra blade to mulch the grass so that helps.

Got most of the trails mowed, which we like to keep mowed because that is the space we can use for walking around, exploring and planning.  I didn't get to edge, but that's easy, mowing everything else is most important.

Here is the radar image from this morning, so you can see from the first radar image to this one, it rained, on and off, all night.  No farm visit today, even when the rain stops, it will again be too wet out there.  

More updates later, I did experience something new (and not so good) but we have some errands to run!


  1. I think this is the first time I have ever known a fortune cookie to be accurate ;)

  2. We were visiting my niece in Magnolia and then drove to League City in the evening. As we drove, it started to POUR rain. The radio was even interrupted with an emergency weather notice about flash flooding. I'm glad it held off until you got your zen time in.

  3. That looks so nice and neat - I love a freshly mown lawn. You timed your mowing perfectly between the rains - of course you had some help from your fortune cookie, ha!

  4. It just feels good to look behind and see what you've accomplished.

  5. You've had so much water. Congrats on getting a start on the mowing in spite of it.

  6. now you can relax for a while! we've had lots of rain here too.

  7. 1st Man,

    The grass is all done, time to enjoy the view :-)
    I have to cut mine again, maybe early in the morning. It's too hot now.


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