
Tuesday, June 23, 2015


This was at a 'stock tank' (basically a small pond for cattle) that is just down the road from the farm.  With all the recent rains, the pond is full and of course attracting all kinds of wildlife.

Cattle Egrets
We were driving by the other day and saw the birds and I thought it would make a nice picture.  They are called "Cattle Egrets" and are quite common.

I've always thought they were pretty birds because they are so striking against the green backdrop of the landscape.  They are usually hanging around cattle but I guess these needed a break and decided to hang out by the water.


  1. They are a scourge around here, roosting in trees and making horrid messes, but they are protected so you can't get rid of them.

    1. Really? I didn't know that. There aren't that many around here of some reason. I mean, they are around but not in large numbers. Fascinating!! Thanks!!

  2. Very striking bird. We see them quite often around here. They spend time close to livestock and grab insects and worms that the cattle hooves disturb. They are also known as the cow bird or cow heron.
    A flock of egrets is known as a 'stampede'.

    1. Cow bird, I think I've heard that too...a stampede? That is awesome!!

  3. You took a good picture of the cattle egrets in the pond. Their snowy white feathers and yellow beaks make them really stand out against the green foliage.
    My Dad farmed rice and had cattle, so cattle egrets are a very familiar sight to me. They liked hanging out in the rice fields and with the cattle because both were a great source of insects. And they had an insect-eating party when my Dad would cut (harvest) rice - the egrets would swarm after the combines, catching the insects stirred up by the machines.

    1. Thanks! The white is such a bright color that makes them definitely stand out. Thanks. What a great story, love that they followed around the harvesting. Too cool!

  4. Perhaps they had agreed to meet the cattle there later....

    1. Ha, maybe so. They were jumping the gun and waiting., ha.

  5. Oh 'egrets, I've had a few....

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

  6. 1st,
    A most wonderful and artistic picture, I am glad you took the time to stop and take this picture and appreciative of your sharing it with us. – G

  7. Neat birds!! Good shot. Thanks for sharing. M


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