
Sunday, June 7, 2015


It was a great weekend.  A lot got done, and there was a lot of resting.  It is SO hot.  OMG, 90's with "feels like" temps approaching 100.  Skies were partly cloudy but nice and blue.  Rain in the forecast again for later on in the week.

I'll have updates in the coming days with things that were done.  We even got some more things scratched off the list.  Oh, did I mention it was HOT?

Hope you had a wonderful weekend doing what makes you happy!


  1. Glad you had a great weekend! And yes, it was hot - summer has definitely arrived. Looks like you and the Zen machine did a lot of work mowing the grass - you could nearly bale hay with all that cut grass!

  2. I am glad that you had a productive weekend. I don't envy your heat though. I turn into a troll in the summer months and do my best to only come out after dark.

  3. 1st,
    Looking forward to seeing all you accomplished, while it was hot it all steal looks gorgeous. – G

  4. Yay things getting done! Ugh! The heat! My crew was out in it yesterday for a project we're trying to get done, and OMG I thought I was going to have heat stroke. All cement and no trees makes a hard day; that's why I like looking at all your greenery.

  5. hot here too. i hate it. plus, we have horrible humidity. i'm ready for fall!


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