
Saturday, June 20, 2015


First time in two weeks.   Didn't go last weekend because of the rains, and of course we had tropical storm rain the first half of this week.

Now, it's nothing but blue skies!

The last few days have been hot and rain free so we are hoping for not too much mud and standing water.  I'd really really like to mow because I'm sure once again, it's going to be a bear to tackle and if I have to wait until next weekend, well, then, it's time for goat rent-a-herd, ha.

There is always edging, and so we'll just have to see.  If nothing else, it can be a work free weekend and we can relax. 

More updates later!


  1. No doubt about it here; after the rains comes the mowing, weed pulling and everything else that goes along with. ( by the way, I do have Free weeds for the pull'n ) :} Can pull all you want. :} :}
    Have a wonderful and enjoyable week end.

  2. Have a great weekend! Hope it's not too soggy out there.

  3. Hope the bees pulled through okay.

  4. good to hear the farm did not wash away, wish there was a way to send that rain to California, we really could make use of it.

  5. 1st Man,'s that time again for cutting!!! I knew you were going to say that, I'm getting up early in the morning to cut the grass while it's cool out.

    Enjoy your weekend!


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