
Tuesday, June 2, 2015



Here's the back story:  At the house in town, there is one spot in the backyard, along one side of the fence, where the previous owner put a bunch of  rather large and beautiful river stones instead of a flower bed.  I guess it was an easier to take care of landscaping solution at the time.  When we moved in, we put some large clay pots amongst them to have some interest but otherwise they've just been sitting there all these years.

Because we will sell the house in town eventually, we were thinking that since we own them now, we'd rather keep them for our future use at the farm instead of letting them go to the next owner (who might not even want them).   

River stones
Here is the first batch.  I just realized there is no frame of reference for size in this photo.  They are not small by any means.  Each one is pretty large...easily about the size of a cantaloupe.  I sprayed them with the water hose to bring out their colors and as you can see, they are quite beautiful, reds, golds, greens, even some blues.  Not even sure what kind they are.

We are guessing the previous owner paid quite a bit to have these hauled in.  We decided that every time we go to the farm, we're going to take about 20 with us (because they are so large) until they are all at the farm.  

They are just too pretty to leave behind!

First thing we have to do is find a place to keep them at the farm so they are out of the way until we need them.  An ever growing pile of rocks could quickly get out of control.  Not sure what we'll do with them of course but hey, five years from now, we don't want to look back on this opportunity and think to ourselves, "damn, sure wish we had kept those rocks", ha.

Any suggestions?


  1. I love them!!!!

    I can see a large berm planting with these rocks, I see water gardens, fire pits, decoration, dry rivers through your landscape...what a treasure to have!

    1. Thanks, some great ideas. I'll have to find a place to store them as we take them out, but it will be a project ultimately later on down the list. :-)

  2. these are great! i would keep them too. i am sure you will find all kinds of use for them. build a raised flower bed with them!

    1. I thought about a raised bed. I'll be gathering lots more over the next few weekends. They are just too pretty to leave, ha.

  3. You could lay down some weed block and lay them around your red shed and barn. A place to store them and not have grass and weeds grow all up in them.

    1. Now THAT is a great idea too! I like that. It would give me a place to store them until we do something permanent with them. They might even look good, make the barns look like they were built up on a mound of stones, ha.

  4. I love rocks! These are beautiful, especially the green and blue ones - actually they all have interesting features. I would surely keep these for future projects.
    For right now, they could be a base for an old wheelbarrow planted with flowers and herbs (lay down cardboard or weed-barrier first). Or you could line your flowerbeds with them - put them inside the timbers to make mowing and trimming easier.

    1. There are very pretty and yes, when I was in the backyard in town one day, I looked at them and thought "these HAVE to go to the farm". II like this idea too, we have an old wheelbarrow I've been eyeballing for a year now. ha.

  5. They are keepers for sure. The rocks would look great out on the farm.
    they would look great for edging a flower bed or vegetable bed or used as edging for a path way -

    For added interest make a spiral garden for herbs; link to a spiral garden -

    I also have seen where people would paint some and used as plant markers and have also seen where animals have been painted on nice shaped rocks -

    1. What you need is find someone who would paint some bees on a few of your rocks and lay them on the ground by your bee hives or paint a bee sign ' Bees Only' or 'Bee Crossing'

    2. You always find the best links, thanks for those. I say this all the time, and a dear friend of mine is always finding me great links as well, but pinterest is something I really need to learn, ha. Thanks and goodness, I love the idea of bee related stuff!!

  6. We are so alike. I've hauled rocks home in suitcases from Europe, CA, Martha's Vineyard, etc. I love them too. Just be sure to put a netting material or something underneath them. Hereabouts, they slowly sink into the ground and are covered up. Biggest thrill of all, finding fossils in them.

    1. Great idea about the netting (I supposed the weed fabric would work in that fashion). I just realized that some of the ones in town are indeed down in the ground. I love beautiful rocks for sure! :-)

  7. I went to and typed in rock garden. A long list of choices came up. I looked at just one page and it, too, had links to more pages. There were some gorgeous yards shown, with really practical ideas. If you have a low area where water tends to drain, they could make a beautiful and practical solution to stop erosion.

    1. Thank you!!! We do have some low areas, that's a good idea too. Thanks! And another vote for making me learn pinterest, ha.

  8. A firepit! A flower bed! Those are lovely rocks. I enjoy rocks, they're pretty neat.

    1. Thanks!! Fire pit is good too. Rocks sure do rock don't they? HA couldn't resist!

  9. 1st Man,

    I love the idea of making a meditation water garden with your beautiful river rocks.

    1. Oooh mediation water garden AND a zen machine? I might pass out, ha. That's a good idea though I do want a water feature someday.

  10. Those are pretty rocks. I'd make a flower garden out of them, but that is just me.

    1. Nothing wrong with flower gardens. And maybe using the rocks to make a 'special' one. Cool, thanks!!

  11. So many great ideas. Hopefully you have enough rocks for all of them! We have gardens that are borders with rocks, we also have raised gardens that are made out of our river stones (though our stones are flat not rounded). I also liked the idea of potted plants in amongst them.

    1. Oh there are probably several hundred. I've taken 3 loads of 20 so I guess there are 60 out there now. Easily many many more than that to go. There are a few random flat ones but for the most part they are large and round(ish).

  12. Love them. People here pay quite a lot of money for interesting rocks. River stones, or lichen covered ones.
    Since these look sooo much prettier while wet, I would place them somewhere with water on/around them.

    1. Oh my they do look SO pretty when wet. The colors are so rich and deep and vibrant. Water, or waters edge is a good use too. Thanks!!!

  13. I totally agree with Gail,I'd use them for landscaping myself.They are so pretty.You don't get a chance like that getting thosekind of rocks.

    1. I know, right? I was thinking they were probably very expensive originally. There must be a few hundred. Kind of excited now to be doing this, ha.

  14. 1st,
    First let me begin with, “I love those rocks!!!”. And from experience, if you have them, then projects will present themselves for their use. And going out on a limb here, before it is all said and done you will wish you had more, lol. Take them, take them all!!! – G

    1. Thanks, and you are so right...just having them around over time will probably present all sorts of opportunities, huh? I will heed your words and take every last one. Stay tuned!

  15. I did the same but took them from an abandoned strip mall. We have a fake waterfall fountain(plastic but supposed to look like stone). I put the real rocks around it to look more natural.

    1. I love that! That's a great idea to use real around artificial to get that natural look.

  16. Hi guys, Remember that bald spot by the fence? Stack 'em there and throw a little dirt & wild flower seeds around them, water & watch it bloom. You have a problem solved and the bees are very happy!!

    1. You are a smart lady. I will definitely add that to the list, once the mud is gone back there, ha.
      Thank you!!!

  17. Rock lover here. I don't have any better ideas than what's been suggested, but definitely keep those rocks!

    1. Thank you! I am glad I am not alone in thinking we NEED these. We might not know what for now, but hey, better to have them for when inspiration DOES strike, ha. Thanks!!!


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