
Friday, July 24, 2015


Our bees were all over the property this weekend, though they particularly loved these wildflowers.  I snapped a few pictures and thought I'd share:

Bee on flower
So peaceful to watch them go about doing what they do best...

Bee closeup
We'd love to be able to follow one from the flower back to the hive but of course, that would be next to impossible...

Bee gathering food
We like this picture, sort of seems like we snuck up behind her while trying not to intrude on her work.  She's definitely a busy bee...



  1. That is a most beautiful sight.

    1. thank you, there is something peaceful about tit huh?

  2. Replies
    1. our girls! Working hard. Our working girls. Oh wait, that doesn't sound right, ha.

  3. Great pictures! I've always loved to watch them gathering pollen.

  4. You, sir, are a very good photographer. You should enter some contests....I'm just sayin'!

    1. Well, you make me blush. Thank you. I am just putzing around with the camera but maybe sometime I'll try. ;-)

  5. How neat to see your lovely ladies working hard! Keep it up! We need more bees!!

  6. I watched quite a few bees enjoying my clover; wonder if someone near by has a hive or if these live independently. Either way, it was fun to watch.

    1. I need to try to plant some clover....can't now in the heat of summer but it might be worth a try. I know that clover honey is loved by everyone!

  7. Beautiful photos.
    See, now what you need to do in order to following them is to mount a very tiny camera on their back and you will be able to keep track of their comings and goings. :}
    Gee, it was just a thought. :}

    Blistering hot here. Went out early this morning and used the push mower to do some trimming and after about 1 1/2 hours I had enough and called it quits. Just 2 hot for this 66 year old lady to be in the heat for long periods of time.

    This heat wave is brutal!
    Not only is it hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk, but you can also use the mailbox as a toaster oven. Breakfast anyone? :}
    Enjoy your day, have a wonderful weekend and try to stay cool and not work too hard outside in this heat.

    1. GoPro for bees! A new idea, ha!! Push mower? Bless your heart, be careful in this heat. Toaster oven, LOL!!!!!

  8. Fantastic photos; I really need a better camera! Interesting how the heat doesn't bother bees. I don't see mine around the place all that much. Which, of course, can only mean I need more hives!

    1. Thank you for that. Hope your ladies are doing well too! One of our hives seems a bit "less active" so fingers crossed it's just a bit behind the next door neighbor, ha.

  9. Love your bees! Your photos are great!


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