
Wednesday, July 22, 2015


A couple of weeks ago, I posted about our frittata that we make.  The recipe for that is HERE.  Well we made another one using some of the eggs 2nd Family gave us this past weekend.  For this one, I took pictures to show how flexible it is with different flavor combinations.  

We've taken to calling this one our "cheeseburger frittata"

Sauté some mushrooms in the pan you will cook your frittata in...

Then we added one pound of ground beef and browned it with the mushrooms.  Be sure and drain off the fat as that will interfere with the cooking of the egg mixture.

Then we added some baby spinach to the drained mushroom and beef...

...and of course, as spinach does, it cooked way down.

Normally we use sliced onions (hence the cheeseburger name) but we didn't have any on hand.  We did have some small peppers so we sliced them up and added them to the pan to sauté a bit while we prepared the egg mixture.

The egg mixture is the same as last time, about 8-10, depending on your pan size, salt, pepper and favorite seasonings and 2 TBSP cream or milk.  Pour over the meat and vegetables.

Bake in the oven until almost set, 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.

This is a bit of shredded yellow cheddar we had leftover from another meal and since it wasn't enough, we finished it off with some white cheddar (have to keep it cheddar so it's like a cheeseburger, ha).  Still about 2 cups total.

Bake another 5 to 10 minutes or until cheese is browned and bubbly.
Cheeseburger Frittata
Slice it up and eat!  Almost like having a cheeseburger!  We usually have one slice each for dinner with a salad and then refrigerate it and the next morning, a slice makes a great "on the run" breakfast, either cold or pop in the microwave for 10 seconds or so. Great for a brunch as well. 



  1. Replies
    1. It is definitely low carb, never thought about that, ha. Meat, cheese and eggs!

  2. Another great recipe. Looks delicious! Thanks!

    1. Thank you much!! Coming from you that's a compliment!

  3. Frittatas are one of my go-to recipes too. Easy and delicious. And not a lot to clean up either. A win on every count.

    1. Aren't they easy and yummy? And yes, not much to clean up, definitely a win win!

  4. I oh somwant to lower my face into this!
    Slowly and with my mouth open x

  5. Another great sounding recipe! I make frittata but haven't tried this combo....yet, will do so soon.

    1. Thank you, it's a great combo and really is reminiscent of a cheeseburger....with eggs, ha.


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