
Sunday, August 2, 2015


I always talk about mowing on the zen machine (my nickname for our John Deere X320 tractor).  It's my zen time, even in this heat.  I wasn't going to mow but there is a strong chance I might not have to mow the rest of this month if this weather cycle continues, so I thought I'd post some pics I took as I was mowing so you can get a tour of things...

The grass is starting to brown in this heat...

Some trails are a bit narrow...

And some are much wider...

Some are really long and winding...

And other spots are big and open...

There are trees to mow around...

And other spots with only a few trees...

Now mind you, these are just some of the open areas and trails that I've cleared  and kept cleared over the last couple of years.  This isn't around the house, or the barns, behind the house, around the garden, or even the long driveway, but I've posted pics of those before, thought we'd show some other areas.  

We never thought we'd say this after our wet Spring, but if it rained, we'd be OK with that.  Of course, rain or a cool front...rain or a cool front...decisions decisions.  Hope you had a great weekend!


  1. I love the mowing tour. It is almost like I am there, except in the comfort of my air conditioning, ha! I am with you on the rain. Everything has gone from water logged to crispy, sigh....

    1. LOL! Come on down and you can help, ha. Isn't the weather crazy? Tons of rain, too much, now lots of heat, too much. Can't it just be a nice balance?

  2. Thanks! Enjoyed getting to share some Zen time. I can almost see the charming little benches and vignettes you'll dot those paths with!

    1. There will be those in time, that's for sure~! Thank you much!!

  3. i would love to mow your grass. i could ride around on a mower all day. we need rain too.

  4. A cool front WITH rain would be doubly welcome at this point.

  5. I love all your paths and open areas - thanks for the tour! So beautiful and peaceful now with so much future potential to play with.
    As for cool front or rain - I'm greedy - I want both! It's just constant watering trying to keep everything alive, including my little 30-tree orchard. My water bill is going to be sky-high!

  6. It just calms the soul to have every trimmed and neat. Looking great.

  7. We need your mower over here our grass is knee high and more rain tomorrow lol!


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