
Wednesday, August 5, 2015


These Passion Flowers are a bit late this year...they are normally the flowers that turn into the Maypop fruit (or Passion Fruit) but that's about April/May when they are blooming around these parts.  

We're guessing the wet Spring stunted their growth, or in this case, at least their normal Spring start.

Passion Flower
Last weekend they were growing all over the place and putting out their fascinatingly intricate purple flowers.

Passion Flowers
We doubt they will fruit....but the bees should be happy and of course, we like the color they add to the landscape.  These are just growing wild with no intervention from us, and that's all good with us.


  1. When we lived in San Antonio we had a sloping yard and a deck which was about 10 feet off the ground. We used the space under it to store the lawn mower, wheelbarrow and such. To hide the equipment we put lattice around the perimeter creating a door with one piece of it. Then we planted purple passion vine. It grew wonderfully, covering that lattice and screening the storage area. It was gorgeous. Our flowers were deep purple. I loved it and wish we could grow it at this house, but we don't have enough sun. Even there we never saw fruit on it.

  2. Those are quite beautiful, fruit or no fruit. If they grow untended, well that is just a bonus!

  3. Beautiful flower on them. And duh--I did not know they bore fruit. Learned a new one!

  4. Nature's gifts are the most beautiful. =)

  5. Those are so beautiful! And the plant benefits butterflies. It is a host plant for the caterpillar of the Gulf Fritillary butterfly and the Zebra Longwing butterfly - so you may see some chrysalis nearby.
    I wonder if the fruit of this species is as tasty as the purple passion fruit in Australia.

  6. They are beautiful. Did you know that you need a male plant before they will fruit? One near enough that either the wind or the insects can fertilise the femaile.

  7. Gorgeous Flowers. Thanks for sharing. M

  8. these are gorgeous! Love your blog.

    1. Thank you for that!! I just realized I need to reply to these comments. I'll start with yours since you just left it. Thanks for the kind words and we hope you'll come back and visit!!


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