
Monday, August 31, 2015


After the epic rains we had this Spring, there were a few times when I was at the farm and got caught in a downpour and all I could do it wait it out on the porch.  That got me to thinking that we need a rain suit of some sort for the farm.  If I had to go out and do something on the property in the rain, it would be nice to have a means to get around without getting soaked.

I've recently started shopping for some other things at Duluth Trading (more on those purchases later) when I stumbled across their rain suit.  It had great reviews and the yellow was on "special clearance" because of an issue with the color.  Instead of just a basic yellow, it was a bit more fluorescent yellow and had some small barely visible spots.  It was about half price.  Great deal!

It just came via UPS the other day. 

Duluth Trading Yellow Rain Suit
It is definitely a fluorescent yellow.  2nd Man looked at it and he said "um, yeah, I'll be able to see you anywhere on the property...and probably Google Earth satellites too", LOL.  The regular one (not on the super clearance) is blue.  Oh well, it will be easy to see in the rain and that's OK if I'm out in a monsoon, at least he (and Google) can keep an eye on me.  It's two pieces, an upper jacket with protective hood and built in visor, and then pants with numerous pockets.  There are even inner pocket zippers so you can get to the pockets of the clothing you are wearing underneath.  They have zippered ankles to tighten up around your rubber boots.  It is made of a super water repellent coated fabric and is very lightweight.  Oh, did I mention it's fluorescent yellow?  HA!

It is one more of the things that we felt would be good to have at the farm "just in case" we need it.  Obviously, I don't plan on gardening in the rain, but someday we just might have to get out in a heavy downpour and do something like tie down an item that has come loose, put a tarp on a roof, close a barn door or window, move a car, etc, and we'll definitely be grateful to have this item hanging in the closet.  

And by the way, nothing for me from Duluth in exchange for this, just me sharing something I found online that we like (but of course, if Duluth would like to contact me, the button is above, LOL!).

Anyone else have a rain suit?  
How do you use yours if you do?


  1. I'm like you! I always try to be prepared for everything…and that color might just come in handy one day!!

    1. Maybe it's the boy scout in me, "be prepared", ha. And like you said, the color might be worthwhile. :-)

  2. naked in the rain is nice, but my neighbors would object! ;-)

    1. LOL...I refuse to answer if I've ever done that. But I've "heard" it's a pleasant experience.

  3. well, no one will shoot you in the woods by accident when you wear that! i need the opposite of a rain suit. it spritzed here for about 2 minutes the other morning and we are dryer than a bone with no rain in sight.

    1. LOL! That's for true! Hope you get some rain sometime!!

  4. Awesome - this post reminded me I still have an xmas gift certificate for Duluth trading...will check out those sale bins myself.

    1. Oh, they have some fun stuff there for sure. And definitely look for their 'clearance' type sections.

  5. Nice bright color and bees go for the yellow color. Great item to have on the farm or even have handy in the trunk of your car in case it's pouring down rain and you have a flat tire or car trouble. At least you will have rain protection.
    You know, I was wondering what that bright yellow thing that was shining and coming from the southern direction, Now I know. It was you. :}
    Have an enjoyable week

    1. I never thought about the bees, ha. And wasps and other creepy crawlies. Well, I'll only have it on in the rain and hopefully they will not be out in the rain at the same time, ha.

      And yes, when I tried it on and walked outside, it wasn't the sun, it was a 1st Man Super Nova, ha.

  6. Great to have for those 'just in case moments'. Hopefully you won't have to wear it for long though. I have found that they trap internal heat and moisture.

    1. You know, during the time I had it on, it wasn't too bad. This is supposed to have some sort of breathable aspect to it, either inside lining or something. We'll see. I'll just hope for cool rain, ha.

  7. Hubby loves the Buck Naked underwear and the long tailed tees.

    In hot weather a rain suit may be too much.

    Have a great evening.

    1. We've never tried that but I've heard it's good. And yeah, if it's hot AND raining, I'll just wait, LOL!

  8. It reminds me of the movie One Fine Day and Michelle Pfeiffer having everything humanly possible in either her work bag or her son's back pack. While George Clooney tries to shield his daughter with his trench coat, out Michelle pops a full on rain suit for her son, while she of course continues to look glam and fabulous in just a light overcoat and umbrella. There, you are movie star glam in the yellow.

    1. I think I could be movie star glam for sure, HA!!! Hey, that's just what I'll tell people. It's not bright yellow, it's Hollywood Star color.

  9. Love your new rain suit - and it IS yellow! The song “Singing in the Rain” with an image of you as Gene Kelly in your beautiful fluorescent yellow rain suit is now stuck in my head!! :)

    1. Singing in the Rain definitely popped into my head. Now I just need to dance, ha.


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