
Sunday, August 9, 2015


Save the Nations Bread, vintage poster image courtesy of UK Imperial War Museum 
A couple of weeks ago, I posted an image of a vintage poster that reference 4 lbs of bread per week.  I found another poster image online that referenced the same thing, from WWI.

Once again, they urged everyone to "Waste Not Want Not" and to "Save the Nation's Bread" (this is from the UK).  The national ration was 4 pounds each per week.  We're still amazed at the amount...we're not even sure we eat that much in a month, much less a week.  Of course, as many of you pointed out, people worked much harder then, physical, sun-up to sun-down type of work.  They also walked more places and of course starchy foods helped keep them warmer in Winter.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  I guess for some of you on the other side of the world you are in Winter, but for us here, there is no doubt it is the middle of Summer.  

Staying in today, just too dang hot.  Ugh.


  1. Yep, staying inside too. Except to go move the sprinkler!

    1. The yard at the farm is getting crispy but it greens back up with rain. Not much we can do about that, ha. Stay cool and safe!

  2. Its suppose to be summer but we have wet rain but on a positive its warm :-)

    1. Well I'm sure even a warm wet rain is welcome. ;-)

  3. I love that vintage poster !
    It reminds me of my grandma's bakery where she displayed a similar old poster of WWll rationing.
    She supplied bread rations to all the locals and she had to keep an account of how much each family received.
    I can't imagine the generation of today surviving with rules like these, without much discontent.

    1. Oh, that's so cool. What a great memory to share. Wow, keeping track of what everyone bought...and was eating! You're right, it was for the common good then but today, I'm afraid people would not take too kindly to that. Even FOR a good reason.

  4. Stay cool, stay safe.
    Love the poster. And can't imagine eating that much bread.

    1. Thanks! Isn't that a crazy amount of bread to eat? per person!


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