
Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Not a long post today, instead, something shorter and to the point.  

I took this picture while at the farm (click to enlarge) the other day and I thought I'd share with all of you...

Butterfly moments
...we just love butterflies of all types, and this quote just seems to fit so beautifully.  It reminds us all to live life to the fullest and take all we can from every single moment!


  1. i hate butterflies but the LOVE me. every since i was small, butterflies attack me. i don't know what it is about but they sure come after me and it freaks me out.

  2. That's just beautiful! Sorry I've been busy with the job change and the move (on a lunch break right now) and will get caught up on my reading soon.

  3. I admit to having a bit of a giggle at the imagery of being attacked by butterflies. Jaz must have a sweetness about her to attract them. Very curious indeed! A wonderful photo but a really inspiring quote. Thanks for that.

  4. I love flufferflies (my younger sister's term for butterflies)!

  5. Such a beautiful photo and vibrant butterfly.
    It's just bad that the butterfly life cycle is only about a month.
    A dear friend of mine in Iowa has released more than a dozen Monarchs and she has 5 in Chrysalis stage to hatch shortly. She had found one laying on her driveway on day not doing so good, so she took it in and is caring for it in her netted / secured area she has in the house.

  6. I love butterflies. When I was a child, they seemed magical.

  7. I love both the picture and the quote. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Love that quote to go with your beautiful photo of a Gulf Fritillary. All your gorgeous passionflowers are not only pretty but also food for the larvae and provide nectar for the adult butterfly. Don’t you just love how nature works!

  9. Beautiful photograph and wonderful words to live by.


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