
Saturday, September 26, 2015


Off to run errands.  The house is showing twice today, so we have to leave while that's going on.  We're heading to the apartment (the previous tenant has moved out now and so we can see our actual unit).

Tomorrow I'll probably head to the farm to mow and edge...and take a few more things out there.  Seems a lot of stuff is finding it's way from in town to the farm.  But hey, we have the big barn and it is still empty...for now, ha. 

Our weather is slightly cooler, though even with the arrival of "Fall" a few days ago, it's not feeling much like it but hey, cooler weather is coming eventually.

Hope you have a great weekend and make today ridiculously amazing!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, it was nice and I can't believe it's back to work tomorrow, ugh.

  2. Enjoy. This is fall/winter and the mice/rats like to find places to stay, so be sure that you have that covered when storing stuff. So excited for you in your new apartment.

    1. Thanks, yep, I was thinking of that today while out there. It's not yet cold here but they know it's coming and I need to check that out.

  3. Oh, how I hated "show day"! Good luck!

    1. We're growing to hate it as well, ha. We'll do what we have to though I suppose. Fingers crossed we have an offer soon.

  4. Good luck with the house, the apartment and the farm!

    1. LOL sounds crazy doesn't it? Hopefully this time next month it'll just be apartment and farm.

  5. The whole process of buying and selling real estate is daunting (at least to me).
    I hope it goes well - and am smiling at things moving to the farm.

    1. It is, as we are learning, pretty stressful at times. Fingers crossed we have a sale soon. And yes, there are things moving out there. Big smiles here too, ha. And shhh, don't tell 2nd Man, but there are things I moved out there he doesn't know about. He said get rid of it, I figured someday we might wished we had kept that. ;-)

  6. Hoping all goes smoothly with the house sale and the move.
    Are y'all going to view the lunar eclipse blood moon from the farm Sunday night? You would have a beautiful view of it away from all the city lights.

    1. From your lips to God's ears! ;-) We thought about staying out there late just to see it but 2nd Family told us it was completely overcast and rainy. Tried looking in town too but also too cloud. Only saw the glow behind the clouds, dang it.


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