
Saturday, October 31, 2015


Even though our day got off to a very wet start, the rain has finally moved out of the area.  It came just in time for the ghosts and goblins and zombies to come out tonight!

We hope you all are having a fun and safe Halloween!

This was released the other day, thought it would be fun to post.  It is a poll of residents in each state to see what the favorite Halloween candy is.

If the map image above is hard to read, CLICK HERE for a link to the website that breaks it down state by state.

Being in Texas, even though I do like Candy Corn (2nd Man doesn't), I'm not sure how that made the top of the list.  I'm a Snickers, Almond Joy and Mr. Goodbar fan myself.

What about you?  Do you have a favorite candy?
And for those overseas, what is popular in your country?


  1. happy halloween! we ran out of treat bags in a little over an hour here. i am not a candy person though i like licorice once in a blue moon.

    1. I can imagine...word probably gets out about your wonderful treat bags, ha. Can honestly say I've never liked licorice...maybe it's an acquired taste, ha.

  2. mr goodbar (snicker).

    swedish fish for PA? I mean, I like them, but PA is hershey and mars territory.

    3 musketeers, twix, milky way, caramello bars for me please.

    BOOOOOOOOO to you two!

    1. LOL! :-)

      Some of these are very odd aren't they? Hersey PA....mmmm.....

      BOO BACK!

  3. Love your Halloween picture!
    I'm with you, 1st Man - those are my favorites, too - and then add in Butterfingers. I can't believe that candy corn is the Texas favorite - waaay too sweet.
    Happy Halloween!

    1. Candy Corn is my least favorite.
      Favorite............3 musketeers, Milky Way, Mounds and then my non store bought candy is my homemade Million Dollar Fudge which makes 7 lbs. worth. I make it every year for Christmas.

    2. Thanks!!! Oh yes, love butterfingers....candy corn is ok, and I'll eat some at this time of year but how it registered as "favorite" I have no idea....

    3. Colleen, yep, odd isn't it? Million Dollar fudge, I think my grandmother used to make something similar. You can't go wrong with fudge.

  4. I don't like candy corn ewww lol ... I am not much of a candy person at all, but a piece of chocolate now and again is good. I didn't buy any Halloween candy haven't in years. Where we live no trick or treaters. Sighhh I do miss that. I use to dress up like a witch and sit on my porch, play scary music and hand out candy to the kids. I would decorate the yard, the porch the whole nine yards. Was fun :O)

    1. Well, I started a comment, but it disappeared! I want candy corn just because it is Halloween. Otherwise, it has to be chocolate. Mostly anything chocolate will do. The ones you named are great. But, I prefer Mounds to Almond Joy. M&Ms! yum.

      I didn't recognize the favorite for Alabama, no matter how large I made the map. When I went to the website, it was Airheads! What kind of candy is that? I'm baffled.

      This is the first time ever that I have not bought Halloween candy--candy corn and the little chewy sticks of chocolate wrapped in paper that is twisted at the ends. What am I thinking about? Help! I got damp and cannot

      I just bought myself one Reese's cup.

    2. We used to decorate but haven't the last few years. Once we get to the farm full time, we too won't have anyone visiting for candy. So we'll have to have our own celebration and invite people, ha.

    3. Linda;

      Yep, Mounds are wonderful too. Airheads? Wow, that is odd. And I thought candy corn was weird, ha. Tootsie Rolls???

      Reese's are good too!!!

    4. Thanks! Tootsie Rolls is what I could not bring up! I love those. I don't even know what Airheads are...strange. Have a party when you are out there permanently. I would come if I lived 1000 miles closer.

  5. Linda, Airheads are fruity taffy candies whipped with air. I am not buying it is the preferred candy in Alabama. Everyone I know gives out chocolate of some kind. I love snickers so I will not give them out, too tempting for me. I will admit to eating candy corn as long as it is mixed with white chocolate m&m's and salted peanuts. Kind of like a super sugar high trail mix. Happy Halloween, all!

    1. Anne,
      Thanks. Maybe I have had those once when a WM employee shared some of her bag last year. I hardly believe it is the preferred candy either. I wonder who they asked--prisoners Who had just been given a carload of Airheads? That is a powerful trail mix that makes my jaws hurt thinking about it.

  6. The whole Halloween thing is catching on here but has previously been a very low key celebration in Australia so I love seeing what you do and how you celebrate. Happy halloween! How are the bees?!
    I'll have to do some serious catching up on your blog!

    1. Hey there! Well, we lost one hive. Dang it. But the other is doing great, thriving and multiplying. I didn't realize there was no Halloween over there? That's fascinating!

      Welcome back!!

  7. We had about 30 kids and gave out Nacho chips and handfulls of O Henry/Hershey/Resses Pieces/Jolly Ranchers. Those manning the door MAY have indulged in one or two treats (at least).

    1. Wow! That's a lot of kids. Sadly, even though we had candy, not a single visitor last night here in town. Now we'll be eating that dang candy until Christmas, ha!! And hey, manning the door is hard work...candy is sugar...sugar is energy....see where I'm going with this? ;-)

  8. A lot of the candy on the map we don't get here in Alberta, Canada. Hands down my favourite candy is smarties. They are like M&M's but no peanut ones, thank goodness. I HATE peanut butter with a passion. I'm not allergic but I can't even get past the smell of it. Maybe it's because I wasn't brought up on it. Hadn't even heard of it until we came to Canada from England in the 60's. I don't really like any nuts in any candy or cake but I like raw nuts. Weird eh!! I love, love, love chocolate so aero, mars bars milky way carem all get my vote. My favourite English chocolate bar is Fry's creme bar-dark chocolate with white fondant inside, mmmm. Don't know if you get any British stuff in the U.S. Oh, and we only got 5 kids last night so I've still got a ton of chocolate bars to eat. What a tough life!!!lol

    1. I've never heard of the Fry's bar (but they probably don't have them here). Sounds YUMMY! I like smarties too. No peanut butter? That's interesting. I know people who are allergic of course but haven't known someone who just doesn't flat out like it, smell and all, ha.

      It's always so hard to buy candy, seems every year is hit or miss. We too have a lot left over...but someone's gotta eat it, right?

  9. carem is suppose to be caramel.

    1. It's funny, when I read it, I read it as caramel, and didn't notice the spelling, ha. It's funny how the brain works. :-)


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