
Friday, October 30, 2015


Since tomorrow is Halloween...
can you see it?  

Up there in the sky, between the two trees?

Ah, maybe now you can see it a bit better...but just in case it's still hard to see...

How about NOW?  


  1. What a beauty!! At a guess I would think an Orb Spider. Love how it seems to be just floating in the air.

    1. It was a beauty for sure. And yep, when the light hit the web, it just disappeared and it looks like it was hovering in the air. Kinda crazy!!

  2. 1st Man,

    Oh I seen it in your first picture, hate spiders and snakes!!!
    Great pictures though, Happy Halloween to you and yours.

  3. At least it is high enough I would not walk into it. Or, does that web extend to the ground. I don't think I have ever seen a spider web so high or between two such widely spaced objects.

    1. Great Photo. See many of them 'good' spiders around here but if not paying attention, I do run into a web every now and then and I absolutely hate that. Do not like them spider webs; spider webs I do not like.
      Don't forget to fall back 1 hour this weekend; Sat. before going to bed.

    2. Leave it to my grandsons who will catch grasshoppers and toss them into the web. Boys will be boys I guess.

    3. Parismony - Yep it was high enough between the trees I could ride under it (on the mower). It was still amazing between the wide trees. Not sure how it did that.

    4. Colleen - Running into a web between trees or porch posts or even doorways is creepy for sure. And if you had to worry about this getting caught up in your hair, I think I'd freak out, ha. And yep, we boys can and will always be boys.... ;-)

  4. right now there is a bridge in columbus or cleveland, i forget which city, but it is covered in thousands of spiders. they are trying to figure out why it happened. happy halloween!!!

    1. I'm going to have to look that up!! Sounds crazy!!! Happy Halloween to you!!

  5. We love these spiders here and often feed them. It is amazing to see them wrap their food.

    Happy Halloween.

    1. I never thought about feeding them, I'll have to read up on that. Toss a bug or two into the webs??

      Happy Halloween to you!!

  6. A very pretty spider! And it's beneficial, catching aphids, flies, and mosquitoes in its web.

    1. Thank you for that link. I'm all for anything that will eat mosquitoes for sure. Thanks!!


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