
Monday, November 9, 2015

SCARED MYSELF SILLY with the last few weeks of pouring rain, the ground is saturated and there was standing water everywhere.  I put on my rubber boots to go roaming around checking on things around the property.  

I stepped into some standing water and glanced down... 

...if someone would have been filming, they would have seen a grown man in rubber boots flailing about in muddy water, splashing everywhere to get away from this snake...then I fell backwards, landing ass end into a puddle and stood up half covered in mud...

OK, so I didn't look like this UNDER the mud (wish I did but I digress), but I was otherwise covered in a muddy mess.  

Then I noticed the "snake" wasn't moving...toward me anyway...and my bravery came back.  I took a closer look.  It wasn't moving because it was a piece of a vine that fell out of a tree in the rainstorm!!


Oh well, I guess the lesson learned is that on the farm there are snakes and there are vines...and at times, it's better to err on the side of caution.  



  1. Bwahahahaha - would've done exactly the same thing. Okay, maybe not fall on my butt in a muddy puddle - but there again, maybe that too :)

    1. It was more of a 'trip' than a fall, probably fell over another vine snake, LOL! ;-)

  2. shame there wasnt a video I would have love to see it, I suppose being in a country with lots of snakes you are always on the look for them, here you would be lucky to see one in your lifetime :-)

    1. Actually, if there was, yeah, we might have been YouTube stars, ha. Yes, there are snakes for sure. The funny thing too was when I stepped on it as i walked, it "moved" in the water which of course added to the "appearance" of a snake.

  3. rofl rofl rofl sorry I am laughing with you really.. Not at you lol lol ..... I have so scared myself like that! LOL when you run onto snakes all the time...... I am with you .. its better to Errr on the side of caution!

    1. No problem, I totally understand. Hey, I share it all, even the embarrassing parts, ha. Yes, I'm always looking for them, like you. Better safe than sorry! ;-)

  4. I would have run screaming. ;-)

  5. I'm with everyone else... would have done the same thing!

  6. We have a saying here
    " you big girls blowse"

  7. damn....why wasn't someone filming this!!!

    1. Hey, I hear ya. I kinda wish I could go back and see it from a different perspective, ha.

  8. I jump when I see a stick laying in the yard! I always check out the ground around the door when I step out in the summer and I get out the binoculars when I see one in the back yard to watch where he/she goes. I had one fall off the back door when I was going out one day. I had flip-flops on. He was right on the top step by my feet and he was poisonous! I grabbed a broom and after about 4 swipes with one of those cheap plastic brooms I got him off the step. Mind you he was striking just as hard as he could at the broom. I liked to have damn near died that day! I want to live where Dawn McHugh lives! "…here we are lucky to see one in your lifetime"

    Always err on the side of caution!

    1. ooh, binoculars are a great idea for watching something to see where it goes. Good reminder. Thanks!! Yikes, that's a scary story. Yes, Dawn is indeed lucky, "one in a lifetime" is the best kind of odds, ha.

      Stay safe!!!

  9. It is always best to jump first and look from a safe distant. You did good.

    This is why I have recommended no one buy a black garden hose. After finding my huge black snake, that hose just looks too much like a snake from the corner of my eye.

    1. Thank you!!! I never thought about the garden hose, that's a great point! In fact, sadly, one day last year I ran over a snake in tall grass while mowing and when I looked down I thought it was a hose (ha, the opposite) but good point. Thanks!!!

  10. OMG that's hilarious. I'm sorry I'm not offering commiseration but some things are just too funny.

  11. I would probably have done the same. Which is why I feel no guilt in snickering.

    1. LOL. I'm sorry 1st man, but that is so darn funny. I could see me doing that as well; only it wouldn't be mud that I would be slipping and falling in.
      Now that is one so called 'snake' you can have mounted on a plaque and hang on your porch; 'The One That Didn't Get Away.' :}
      Thanks for the good belly laugh. It made my day.

    2. EC - It's OK, that's why I shared. I don't want to be the only one laughing at myself, ha.

      Colleen - I should have saved the vine. Actually it might still be there. I'll have to look for it. Glad you enjoyed!!!

  12. I too would have done the same. you are not alone.

  13. I would have done the exact same thing and probably would have ended on my rear, too. ;-)

    1. The rear thing was a natural reaction as one flails backwards in mud, LOL!

  14. Sorry, gotta wipe the tears of laughter out of my eyes! : D
    At first glance, that vine sure does look like a snake! I would have jumped out of my skin too.

    1. It was funny because I didn't see it until I stepped on it and stepping on it made it move so of course, I immediately knew it was a snake. Poisonous of course. And worlds biggest of course. And ready to strike of course. And of was a vine. Sigh. ;-)

  15. I would scream. Just stand there and scream, too frightened to move. Strangely, I have never seen a snake where I live in Florida. We have rats instead, but they haven't come to my house in years. The dogs dispatch them quickly. Then we have rat stew.


    1. Rats kinda of startle me too. But yeah, snakes are very scary. Rat stew, ha. What about snake soup? LOL!

  16. OK, I have laughed until I can barely breath. Yes, I am laughing at you because it is funny. FUNNY It is okay because you did not get bit. I can just picture the whole thing. I, too, have vines that resemble snakes. Wait until you walk near a vine hanging and try to escape it dropping onto you.

    Sorry about the mud! Oh, and the muddy guy...just never mind him. How far did you have to walk back to the house?

    Thanks for sharing that moment!

    1. No problem, I am glad I made you laugh. I think it one fell on me or dropped I'd freak out too. It wasn't a far walk back, so I just needed new pants and a t-shirt. It wasn't too bad. ;-)

  17. I didn't mean to laugh out loud but I did anyway. If I had done that I would only hope someone saw it so they could laugh with me.

    1. That's ok, and you are so right, when I stood up, I immediately looked around and thought "did anyone see me?" Of course, I was alone on 11 acres (2nd Man stayed in town to work on the open house) so alas, I was not witnessed by anyone, ha.

  18. Hilarious! I always look before going out the door. I try not to keep too much stuff near the door save for a shovel in case I might need it to go after something. And, when in the surroundings, I always carry a shovel or something just in case. One never knows and I HATE them things!

  19. I too laughed out loud and then I laughed at a lot of the comments, so thanks to all of you for starting my day off feeling good.

    And I'm very glad you didn't hurt anything that couldn't recover. ♡

  20. I would have been right there with you.... frozen stiff. My first encounter was when I was about 5 yrs. old. I was running the open the gate to the cow field, when on my right side, was a hole in the ground.
    Out popped the top half of a garter snake standing straight up. Scared the ba- geebies out of me. I froze in my tracks, turned around and ran back to Dad. He wanted to know what happened. Of course, I was too scared to talk and could only point. So he went and opened the gate and all I could say when he got back was snake in the hole. He stated he saw it too, but it was only a garter snake and he was just as scared of you and you of him. Didn't help me ever get over the fear I have of snakes. Have a great rest of the week. M


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